Multiplication in Peru Through The Greatest Journey

junio 7, 2017 • Peru

The Lord used an 8-year-old to lead six of her cousins to salvation in Jesus Christ.

Paola was proud to receive her own New Testament at her graduation from The Greatest Journey.

Paola was proud to receive her own New Testament at her graduation from The Greatest Journey.

When Paola received her Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift at Cajamarca Biblical Center in the highlands of Peru, she loved the pink teddy bear she found inside. With a rainbow applique on its tummy, the 8-year-old quickly named the bear “Rainbow.”

“I dream about him. I sleep with him,” Paola said. But Rainbow is more than just a stuffed animal. To Paola, the teddy bear is a tangible reminder of God’s love. She had been saved about three years before she received the gift in her shoebox, and she says it made her feel that God was with her.

A short time later Paola was invited to participate in La Gran Aventura, a dynamic 12-lesson discipleship course that Samaritan’s Purse offers to many shoebox recipients.

“I wanted to attend The Greatest Journey because I wanted to learn more about God’s Word,” Paola said.

Equip 35,000 Kids in 3 Days with The Greatest Journey. Her favorite story was about Jesus and the boy whose lunch of fishes and loaves miraculously fed a hungry crowd. “That story taught me how to share with others,” she said.

Paola took that lesson to heart. As she learned more about God through The Greatest Journey, “I shared everything with my cousins,” Paola said. God used what she told them to touch their hearts, and six cousins prayed to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. “It is important for me to share my faith,” Paola said.

Paola was able to do this once again at her graduation ceremony from The Greatest Journey. Proudly wearing a cap and gown along with the other graduates, Paola stood in front of the church crowded with friends and family and recited Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own likeness” (NIrV).

Un luz en la oscuridad

In her room, Paola hugs her student booklet for The Greatest Journey.

In her room, Paola hugs her student booklet for The Greatest Journey.

She also answered questions her teacher posed regarding Zacchaeus—to illustrate the knowledge she gained during the discipleship course.

After the ceremony was over, Paola showed she was just like any other child her age. “My favorite part was when we threw our hats in the air,” she said.

Now with her own New Testament and graduation certificate, Paola said, “I will keep the certificate they gave me in my shoebox. I will read my Bible every day.”

Paola’s mother Ines Rodriguez said, “I am very proud of her because she is learning about God at a young age.”

La Gran Aventura

Peru is changing as the younger generation is learning to follow God through The Greatest Journey discipleship program. We pray that more of these young evangelists will say along with Paola, “The most important thing to me is my faith in God.”

Paola proudly shows off her shoebox gift outside of her home.

Paola proudly shows off her shoebox gift outside of her home.

Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.(Matthew 9:37-38). God is answering those prayers through The Greatest Journey, the discipleship program Samaritan’s Purse offers for boys and girls who receive shoebox gifts through Operation Christmas Child. We train teachers and supply local churches with everything they need—including Bibles for graduates. Through The Greatest Journey, over 3.8 million children have prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior, and 4.2 million have promised to prayerfully share the Gospel with friends and family.
La Gran Aventura Jesús nos recuerda que el reino de Dios está lleno de personas cuya fe es como la de los niños. “Dejen que los niños vengan a mí; no se lo impidan, porque el reino de los cielos es de quienes son como ellos” (Mateo 19:14). Alabado sea Dios porque más de diecisiete millones de niños han tomado una decisión por Cristo gracias a La Gran Aventura. Cuando se gradúan, les regalamos un Nuevo Testamento en su propio idioma para que puedan continuar creciendo en su fe y compartir a Jesús con sus amigos y con los miembros de su familia. Tu donación de $6 por niño nos permitirá capacitar a maestros voluntarios locales y proveerles todos los materiales para el curso de doce lecciones, incluidas las Biblias de graduación.

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Donación sugerida: $6 o $6,000 para 1.000 niños


