Samaritan’s Purse Helping Guatemala Volcano Victims

junio 14, 2018 • Guatemala

Families fleeing their villages desperately need water, food, and other emergency assistance.

Ayuda internacional de emergencias

Samaritan’s Purse is working in Guatemala to help thousands of people who have fled for their lives following a terrifying and deadly eruption of Fuego Volcano.

The volcano erupted June 3 and exploded again on Tuesday, June 5. Authorities say at least 75 people are dead and nearly 200 are missing. More than 3,000 people have already been evacuated from villages near the volcano, and up to 1.7 million could be affected. Fuego is less than 30 miles from the capital city of Guatemala City.

Samaritan’s Purse has staff on the ground in Guatemala to work with churches and deliver emergency assistance to those who need it most. Clean water is an urgent need because the sources of water have been contaminated by volcanic ash.

Our partners are handing out food, water filtration kits, hygiene kits, and other desperately needed supplies.

Please pray for the people of Guatemala and the churches who are working with Samaritan’s Purse to help survivors in the Name of Jesus Christ.

  • Clothing distribution in Guatemala
    Families receive clothing at a distribution with local partners.

Note: This article was originally published on June 7 and content was updated on June 14.

Thirty tons of emergency relief from Samaritan's Purse has arrived in the Bahamas.
Ayuda internacional de emergencias Cuando sobrevienen los desastres naturales o un conflicto armado causa que las personas deban huir, Samaritan’s Purse responde rápidamente para llevar socorro a quienes lo necesitan con urgencia. Podemos proveer alimento, agua limpia y refugio, entre otras necesidades. Una manera de ayudar en situaciones de desastre es mediante la entrega de “kits de supervivencia familiar”, que incluyen cobijas abrigadas, baldes con filtros de agua, utensilios de cocina, jabón y otros elementos esenciales diarios. Por solo $45, podemos proporcionar un sustento a una familia que ha perdido todo, para ayudarlos a empezar de nuevo.

Ayuda internacional de emergencias 013310
Donación Sugerida: $45

