Samaritan’s Purse Responding to Ice Storms in Texas and Oregon

febrero 22, 2021 • United States

We have deployed to Texas and Oregon in the aftermath of devastating winter weather.

Ayuda para desastres en EE. UU.

A deadly wave of severe winter weather brought historic snow, ice, and subfreezing temperatures to communities across Texas. Millions of people were left without electricity. Downed trees and power lines remain a serious problem. Many families have suffered major home damage due to frozen water pipes that burst. Some are still struggling with a lack of clean water.

Samaritan’s Purse is responding to these storms in Jesus’ Name by bringing relief to people in need in the Lone Star state’s capital and its largest city. We dispatched two Disaster Relief Units—tractor trailers filled with relief supplies and equipment—and our teams will work in both the Austin y Houston areas. We deployed from our Southwest Ministry Center in Coppell, Texas, as well as from North Carolina.

“I was in Texas last week during the historic winter weather, and it was terrible. Even though the electricity is now back on, so many people have tremendous damage to their homes from frozen and burst pipes. They need help and are unsure of what to do next or where to turn,” said Franklin Graham, el Presidente de Samaritan's Purse.. “We want to be there to help as many as we can in Jesus’ Name. Please join me in praying for these communities as they begin to recover.”

  • Assessments in Texas are underway as we prepare to assist homeowners.
    Assessments in Texas are underway as we prepare to assist homeowners impacted by recent winter weather in Austin and Houston.

Our teams will be ministering and assisting with extensive cleanup, including mold removal and chainsaw and tree removal work. Our host church and base of operations in Austin is Grace Covenant Church, and in Houston we are based at Christ Evangelical Presbyterian Church.


Ice storms also affected many homeowners in Oregon. A Samaritan’s Purse U.S. Disaster Relief Unit along with staff and other support vehicles are on the ground in the central part of that state. We deployed from our West Coast Ministry Center in Fullerton, California, and from North Carolina.

Our volunteers (day volunteers only for Oregon response) are coming alongside homeowners to assist with chainsaw work, tree removal, and yard cleanup, and they’re especially focusing on the hard-hit areas of Salem and Willamette Valley. Our base of operations is Salem Evangelical Church in Salem, Marion County.


Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains will also be onsite in both Texas and Oregon to provide support and spiritual encouragement.

Please pray for our teams as they serve in Jesus’ Name in these hard-hit areas. Pray for the many families who are struggling in the aftermath of devastating winter storms.

Ayuda para desastres en EE. UU. Cada donación a U.S. Disaster Relief nos abastece para responder a catástrofes como el huracán Helene y otros desastres naturales en nuestra nación. Samaritan's Purse moviliza y prepara a miles de voluntarios para brindar ayuda de emergencia a las víctimas de inundaciones, tornados, incendios forestales y huracanes. Dondequiera que vayamos, llevamos consuelo y la esperanza del Evangelio de Jesucristo. Tras las grandes tormentas, solemos quedarnos para reconstruir casas para las personas que no tienen dónde recurrir para pedir ayuda.

Ayuda para desastres en EE. UU.

