Sharing Living Water through Clean Water Projects

agosto 7, 2019 • Bolivia
Samaritan's Purse is leading water, sanitation, and hygiene training sessions in Bolivia where we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the source of Living Water.
Samaritan's Purse is leading water, sanitation, and hygiene training sessions in Bolivia where we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the source of Living Water.

As we start a new set of water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in the tropical plains of Bolivia, God is drawing people in the community to faith in Him.

Filtros de agua

Having access to clean water is essential for everyone. But for the people of the remote, tropical plains of Bolivia, it’s a necessity that can be hard to come by. Sadly, it is common for children there to get intestinal illnesses from dirty water, which can cause malnourishment and impede growth and development.

Samaritan’s Purse WASH program manager Elianay Loras Castro trains a group of women on how to use the water filters that we are providing.

Samaritan’s Purse WASH program manager Elianay Loras Castro trains a group of women on how to use the water filters that we are providing.

This year, Samaritan’s Purse has begun a project in the area of San Ignacio de Moxos in northern Bolivia to provide water, hygiene, and sanitation (WASH) resources to schools and communities. This is part of a wider range of activities we are starting in the area to meet people’s basic health needs and to minister to them in Jesus’ Name.

Our WASH program technicians distribute hygiene kits and water filters in schools and communities, training families on proper hygiene practices. The technicians make follow-up home visits where they have further opportunities to share the Gospel and pray with the families.They offer them Bibles as well as a Bible reading plan to help guide them through the Word.

Thirsting for Living Water

Already, God has used the program in this area to lead eight people to faith in Him, including school district director Luz Mila Gutierrez Noco.

Luz Mila, left, trusted in Jesus as her Savior after Elianay Loras Castro, a Samaritan’s Purse WASH program technician, shared the Gospel with her during a home visit.

Luz Mila, left, trusted in Jesus as her Savior after Elianay shared the Gospel with her during a home visit.

Elianay Loras Castro, our WASH program manager in Bolivia, visited Luz Mila’s home to ask her about setting up a water filter at a local school. As part of their conversation, Elianay asked if she could share the Gospel with her.

“Of course!” said Luz Mila, gathering her four children to listen to God’s Word.

Luz Mila regularly prays and reads the Bible, but she did not know how to find peace with God. “She felt that longing, but she didn’t know how to get closer to Him and how to know Him more,” Elianay said.

After hearing that Jesus had died for her sins and rose so that she could have a relationship with God, Luz Mila prayed to accept Christ.

Giving families access to clean water through a simple water filter can help them achieve better health, especially for their children.

Giving families access to clean water through a simple water filter can help them achieve better health, especially for their children.

“Thank you for reaching the people who need it,” Luz Mila said. “It is good to receive fountains of living water.”

The Bible says that Jesus told a Samaritan woman at a well that, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:13-14).

Pray for Luz Mila as she is discipled and grows in her faith, as well as for a nurse in the community and several teenagers who also have made decisions for Christ through our WASH program. Pray for our program technicians as they help families and communities in Jesus’ Name.

For $100, we can provide a family with an easy-to-use filter that requires no power or chemicals and can make contaminated water safe to drink for years to come.
Filtros de agua Samaritan's Purse provee a muchas familias con un filtro fácil de usar que no requiere de electricidad o químicos y que convierte el agua contaminada en una limpia y segura para beber por años venideros.

Filtros de agua 013923
Donación sugerida: $100

