Strengthening Churches, Shining a Light for Christ

julio 28, 2020 • Bolivia

Check out this encouraging video as our Bolivia team visits a pastor and his new church building after COVID-19 restrictions were recently eased!

Edificación de iglesias y campamentos bíblicos

Grace Wright, along with fellow Samaritan’s Purse staff members based in Bolivia, recently visited Pastor Sebastian Quispe Cuti at his church in the remote mountain community of Tahuapalca. They came to encourage him and see firsthand the sanctuary building that was completed around the first of this year with our help.

Watch as Grace and the team see Pastor Sebastian and the new church building for the first time since the COVID-19 lockdown was lifted in that country in the video above!

Construction on the building started in 2019, with help from U.S. volunteers. Grace had last visited the construction last summer, so she was wonderfully pleased by the finished building she found this year.

Over the past several months, in light of the country’s COVID-19 stay-at-home precautions, our Bolivian ministry staff has been following up with Pastor Sebastian’s congregation remotely. Through a messaging app and phone calls, our team helped guide a group of church members through a discipleship course called “New Life in Christ” (Nueva Vida en Cristo).

Just a few weeks ago, Grace and others were able to visit the church in-person as coronavirus restrictions were eased a bit in this South American nation.The trip turned out to be a sweet reunion as they heard updates from church leaders about how God is working there. People are struggling to eke out a living, and this is one of the few evangelical churches in the area.

The sanctuary in Tahuapalca is one among more than 40 church structures we’ve built in Bolivia since 2008. Samaritan’s Purse also has a number of other church construction projects in multiple countries, helping congregations in need to build facilities where they can gather to worship the Lord Jesus Christ and lead others to faith in Him.

Pray for the congregation in Tahuapalca to be a light for Christ in their community. Pray also for our team in Bolivia as they continue to disciple many people involved with our various projects there. Most importantly, please pray this work would further the spread of the Gospel around the world!

Members of a congregation in Chuma, Bolivia, attend church services in a building constructed by Samaritan's Purse.
Edificación de iglesias y campamentos bíblicos Cuando Jesús le preguntó a sus discípulos quién ellos creían que Él era, el Apóstol Pedro respondió: "Tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo del Dios viviente". Jesús le contestó: "porque eso no te lo reveló ningún mortal, sino mi Padre que está en el cielo. Yo te digo que tú eres Pedro, y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi iglesia" (Mateo 16:16-18, NVI). Luego, Pedro predicó a una multitud muy diversa en el Pentecostés y el Evangelio se esparció alrededor del mundo por medio del poder del Espíritu Santo. Más de 2.000 años después, este cuerpo global de creyentes continúa multiplicándose, pese a que muchos de ellos no tienen un lugar apropiado para reunirse. Tu donación ayuda a Samaritan's Purse a construir o reparar iglesias para que los creyentes tengan un lugar donde reunirse.

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