Thirsty for Living Water

diciembre 31, 2018 • Bolivia
Our water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in Bolivia include hand washing stations, clean water access, and restroom facilities.
Our water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in Bolivia include handwashing stations, clean water access, and restroom facilities.

A Bolivian man who helps give his hometown access to clean water rededicates his life to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wilfredo, 29, was concerned that the school in his hometown in northeast Bolivia didn’t have running water. When he heard that Samaritan’s Purse wanted to meet this need, Wilfredo volunteered to help us build new restroom facilities for the school.

Wilfredo worked alongside our Bolivian construction team, that specializes in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) projects, during the entire 19-day enterprise. The group regularly prayed together and read the Bible. The daily gatherings made an impression on Wilfredo, and he realized that something was missing in his life.

Wilfredo and Raul Salvatierra, head of our water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in Bolivia, review construction plans for the school's new restroom facility.

Wilfredo (right) and Raul Salvatierra, head of our water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in Bolivia, review construction plans for the school’s new restroom facility.

Wilfredo is a Christian but had stopped attending church when he moved to another South American country a couple of years earlier. He also had neglected prayer and the Scriptures.

“I got to know a new place and had many things, but I lost the most important thing, which was my relationship with the Lord,” Wilfredo said after rededicating his life to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wilfredo has now moved back to his hometown and farms with his father. They both are beneficiaries of our agriculture projects in which we train and assist farmers in how they can improve their crop production. And Wilfredo attends an evangelical church named Samaria. Of course, it was in Samaria that Jesus told a woman at a well about “living water.”

“Pero el que beba del agua que yo le daré no volverá a tener sed jamás, sino que dentro de él esa agua se convertirá en un manantial del que brotará vida eterna” (Juan 4:14).

“I am very happy that I was able to help my community, especially the kids,” Wilfredo said of the agua potable project. But more than anything, he is glad that he has now rededicated himself to Jesus, the Source of Living Water. “Here in a small community, I have found what I had lost.”

