Informe de prensa sobre el huracán Beryl
Samaritan's Purse responde a la destrucción que dejó el huracán Beryl, y ahora está actuando en el sureste de Texas y en tres países insulares del Caribe: Granada, San Vicente y las Granadinas, y Jamaica. Se trata del primer huracán Atlántico del 2024 y la tormenta más fuerte que haya pasado por la región según los registros históricos. Además de abrir un hospital móvil de emergencias en la isla de Carriacou, varios vuelos de socorro realizados por el avión de carga DC-8 de la organización han entregado ayuda vital que proveerá refugio y agua potable para las comunidades impactadas.
Comunicados de prensa
6 de julio, 2024 Samaritan's Purse amplía la respuesta de emergencia para las víctimas del huracán Beryl en tres zonas muy afectadas
Samaritan’s Purse ha desplegado esta semana un tercer vuelo de ayuda de emergencia, esta vez a Jamaica, ya que la respuesta de la organización al huracán Beryl llega a varios países del Caribe.
2 de julio, 2024 Samaritan's Purse aerotransporta suministros de ayuda para emergencias a Granada en respuesta al huracán Beryl
Samaritan's Purse envió un Equipo de Respuestas para Asistencia en Desastres (DART, por su sigla en inglés) junto con más de 24 toneladas de suministros de ayuda para salvar vidas al caribe.
Hojas informativas
Videos B-Roll
Estos videos están disponibles para el uso de los medios de comunicación y prensa en su cobertura de historias y noticias relacionadas con Samaritan’s Purse. Si su medio utiliza alguno de nuestros videos o carretes de cintas b-roll por favor de mencionar el crédito a: “Cortesía de Samaritan’s Purse”. Estos videos no son para uso comercial.-
Hospital Móvil de Emergencias Carriacou, Granada
Distribución del DART por el huracán Beryl
Samaritan’s Purse aerotransporta auxilio al sur del Caribe
B-roll sobre el transporte aéreo por el huracán Beryl
Estas fotografías están disponibles para el uso de los medios de comunicación y prensa en su cobertura de historias y noticias relacionadas con Samaritan’s Purse. Si su medio utiliza alguna de nuestras fotografías por favor de mencionar el crédito a: “Cortesía de Samaritan’s Purse”. Estas fotografías no son para uso comercial.-
Brazoria County, Texas Descargar -
Brazoria County, Texas Descargar -
Texas 2024: Samaritan’s Purse expanded its response to help families in Texas impacted by Hurricane Beryl. Descargar -
Texas 2024: Samaritan’s Purse expanded its response to help families in Texas impacted by Hurricane Beryl. Descargar -
Texas 2024: Samaritan’s Purse expanded its response to help families in Texas impacted by Hurricane Beryl. Descargar -
Texas 2024: Samaritan’s Purse expanded its response to help families in Texas impacted by Hurricane Beryl. Descargar -
Texas 2024: Samaritan’s Purse expanded its response to help families in Texas impacted by Hurricane Beryl. Descargar -
Texas 2024: Samaritan’s Purse expanded its response to help families in Texas impacted by Hurricane Beryl. Descargar -
Texas 2024: Samaritan’s Purse expanded its response to help families in Texas impacted by Hurricane Beryl. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Jamaica 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
Carriacou, Grenada 2024: Samaritan’s Purse is now operating across three island nations in the Caribbean: Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Jamaica. Descargar -
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Supplies from the first DC-8 Airlift to Grenada after Hurricane Beryl were unloaded on the island on July 2nd, 2024. Descargar -
Supplies from the first DC-8 Airlift to Grenada after Hurricane Beryl were unloaded on the island on July 2nd, 2024. Descargar -
Supplies from the first DC-8 Airlift to Grenada after Hurricane Beryl were unloaded on the island on July 2nd, 2024. Descargar -
Supplies from the first DC-8 Airlift to Grenada after Hurricane Beryl were unloaded on the island on July 2nd, 2024. Descargar