Israel Response Press Kit
When Hamas attacked Israel in early October, Samaritan's Purse immediately deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team. Now, the international Christian relief organization is providing 42 ambulances—including 28 that will be armor-plated and bulletproof—and building ambulance response stations near the Gaza and Lebanese borders in areas that are constantly at risk. Samaritan's Purse is also supporting church partners, meeting the emergency needs of innocent civilians who are suffering as a result of the war.
Comunicados de prensa
23 enero, 2024 Franklin Graham y Samaritan’s Purse dedican 14 ambulancias a médicos caídos en Israel hoy
Today, Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan's Purse, dedicated 14 new ambulances in Israel, which are being provided to Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel's national ambulance and emergency services agency.
Jan. 12, 2024 Samaritan’s Purse lleva por aire suministros de trauma a Israel
Tomorrow, Samaritan's Purse will airlift 1,000 Advanced Trauma Life Support kits to Israel on its 757 cargo plane. Each kit is specially packed with more than 70 life-saving medical supplies—including a tourniquet, chest tube kit, suture kit, and intubation kit—to help the country's emergency responders in their work to save lives.
Nov. 15, 2023 Samaritan's Purse sponsors 21 ambulances, seven of them armored, for Magen David Adom, Israel's medical emergency system
The vehicles will replace MDA ambulances destroyed by Hamas and put additional lifesaving vehicles into service
Nov. 13, 2023 Samaritan's purse responds in Israel; providing ambulances and other life-saving support
When Hamas attacked Israel in early October, Samaritan's Purse immediately deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team. Now, the international Christian relief organization is supporting church partners—meeting the emergency needs of innocent civilians who are suffering as a result of the war.
Hojas informativas
Quotes from the ambulance dedication and groundbreaking ceremony in Avshalom on September 19, 2024
Franklin Graham
"Today we are in Israel to dedicate the two armored ambulances that have just arrived, as well as a new ambulance center near the Gaza border where there has not been one before. The need is so great, we have just committed to providing 20 more armored ambulances. The MDA team are heroes, saving lives every day, and it is an honor to stand with them."
Israel's Minister of Health Uriel Menachem Buso
"Franklin Graham, welcome to Israel. A true friend of the state of Israel."
Israel's Minister of Health Uriel Menachem
When referring to the groundbreaking for the new Avshalom ambulance station, he said, “I wish that this will be a place of flourishing for the Negev.”
Gadi Yarkoni, mayor of the Eshkol Regional Council
“We don't know if we are happy or sad. We walk around between hope and despair. We are waiting for our people to return.”
Eli Bin, MDA's director general
“Mr. Graham, you are really one of the most important people to MDA.” He continued by saying, “And one of the most important people to the state of Israel.”
Eli Bin, MDA's director general
“The building of the station is building a bridge between the awful events that happened and much more hopeful future here.”
Eli Bin, MDA's director general
“The belief—love thy neighbor as yourself—is the basis for both organizations.” (He said this in reference to Samaritan's Purse and MDA.)
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Ambulance Dedication Ceremony and Groundbreaking in Avshalom, Israel
Franklin Graham SOT 1/23 Dedication in Jersualem, Israel
Ambulance Dedication in Jersualem, Israel
757 Arrives in Israel
Airlift of Trauma Kits
Israel Food Distribution
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Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Franklin Graham meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan's Purse, witnesses the tragedy of the brutal attacks by Hamas. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Franklin Graham meets with Magen David Adom, Israel's Emergency Medical System, that will recieve new ambulances to replace those destroyed by Hamas. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Franklin Graham sees firsthand the damage caused by Hamas. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Franklin Graham sees firsthand the damage caused by Hamas. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Franklin Graham sees firsthand the damage caused by Hamas. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Samaritan's Purse is providing hygiene kits, food vouchers, food boxes, and hot meals for internally displaced families in Israel. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Samaritan's Purse is providing hygiene kits, food vouchers, food boxes, and hot meals for internally displaced families in Israel. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Samaritan's Purse has committed to providing Magen David Adom with new ambulances to replace the ones that were destroyed by Hamas. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Samaritan's Purse has committed to providing Magen David Adom with new ambulances to replace the ones that were destroyed by Hamas. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Samaritan's Purse is providing critical relief items to internally displaced families in Israel. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Samaritan's Purse is distributing food vouchers in Israel to aid innocent civilians. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Samaritan's Purse has committed to providing Magen David Adom with new ambulances to replace the ones that were destroyed by Hamas. Descargar -
Israel, 2023 Samaritan's Purse has committed to providing Magen David Adom with new ambulances to replace the ones that were destroyed by Hamas. Descargar -
Greensboro, NC 2024 Advanced Trauma Life Support kits are packed with more than 70 life-saving medical supplies—including a tourniquet, chest tube kit, suture kit, and intubation kit. Descargar -
Greensboro, NC 2024 Before loading the 757 with 1,000 trauma kits, staff take time to pray. Descargar -
Greensboro, NC 2024 The Samaritan's Purse 757 is based in Greensboro, North Carolina. Descargar -
Greensboro, NC 2024 Samaritan's Purse loads the 757 with life-saving trauma supplies bound for Israel. Descargar -
Greensboro, NC 2024 Samaritan's Purse loads the 757 with life-saving trauma supplies bound for Israel. Descargar -
Greensboro, NC 2024 First responders who receive these trauma kits will also receive additional advanced life support training. Descargar -
Israel, 2024 Samaritan's Purse is partnering with Magen David Adom, the emergency services agency of Israel; Sheba Medical Center, the largest healthcare system in Israel; and the Ministry of Health to ensure these trauma kits are distributed to first responders in communities that are the furthest from hospitals and emergency care. Descargar -
Israel, 2024The Samaritan's Purse 757 cargo plane landed in Israel on January 15th, carrying 1,000 Advanced Trauma Life Support kits. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Life-saving medical supplies are unloaded from the Samaritan's Purse 757 in Israel. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Life-saving medical supplies are unloaded from the Samaritan's Purse 757 in Israel. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar -
Israel, 2024Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse dedicate 14 ambulances to fallen medics in Israel on January 23, 2024. Descargar