Hospital Chogoria
Chogoria, Kenia
Hospital Website
Mission Organization
Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA)
Chogoria Hospital was established in 1922 by Dr. Clive Irvine, a Scottish medical missionary, with a focus on preaching, healing, and teaching. In 1956, management of the hospital passed from the Church of Scotland to the Presbyterian Church of East Africa. It was rebuilt in the 1970s and presently the hospital has 295 beds and is the principal health care provider in Tharaka-Nithi District (with more than 45,000 people). Infectious diseases predominate. Hypertension, diabetes, pneumonia, and asthma are common. Gastric and esophageal cancers are the most common malignancies. Trauma is a common reason for admissions due to traffic accidents. Malaria is present in nearby areas though uncommonly acquired at Chogoria. Gastroenteritis is also a problem in dry seasons due to a lack of reliable drinking water. HIV has been gradually increasing since 1987. Tuberculosis is common (50% of cases being HIV related). Outpatients may number 250–300 on any given day with a yearly total of 80,000. The hospital has four wards—medical, surgical, pediatric, and maternity (1,000 deliveries per year). There is also a small nursery, 14-bed private ward, four-bed casualty department, an eye unit, a physiotherapy department, a laboratory, and a pharmacy. Radiology support includes plain films, ultrasound, and CT. There is a modern four-room dental building. Occupancy rates currently average around 60%. Chogoria also has an established Community Health Department and very active TB and HIV outpatient services.
El viaje
Fly by commercial airline to Nairobi; drive 3–4 hours to Chogoria
Diferencia de la hora local
+7 hours daylight saving time; +8 hours Eastern Standard Time
Chogoria Hospital is situated in the Tharaka-Nithi District of Kenya's Eastern Province, 200 kilometers northeast of Nairobi on the eastern slopes of Mount Kenya.
Su gente
The area is populated by the Meru and Tharaka peoples, both separate groups with their own dialects and customs. The total catchment population is now estimated to be over 450,000 (50% under 15 years of age).
El idioma
The Meru and Tharaka peoples speak Kimeru and Kitharaka, respectively. Both English and Swahili are widely used throughout Kenya. All medical records are written in English, and translators are available for visiting physicians.
La religión
Although the area has a Presbyterian foundation, many other denominations can be found in and around Chogoria.
El clima
At an elevation of 5,000 feet, the climate is pleasant and temperate. There are rains from March to May, warm weather in June, cool and dull weather in July and August, and warm weather in September and October. Rains occur again October to December (with daytime temperatures in the 80s and nighttime temperatures in the 50s), and the hottest period of the year in January and February. August is the coolest month, and you will probably need warm clothes in the evenings.
El alojamiento
Housing will be in the guest house, or one of the houses or apartments on the hospital compound with facilities for self-catering. The guest house has four rooms which can accommodate 1–3 people each. Two washrooms with showers and hot water are down the hall. Meals can be provided for a modest fee. Outside the guest house, most housing consists of a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and 2–3 bedrooms. Generally the housing also has running water, refrigeration, electricity, and both gas and electric cooking facilities. Domestic help is easily obtained for laundry, etc.
La alimentación
The hospital does not provide meals. However, the guest house attendant prepares breakfast and supper meals during the week (Monday–Friday) at the guest house for a small fee. The kitchen is available at other times for volunteers to prepare their own meals. Basic food availability is limited but adequate and includes potatoes, rice, meat, bread, margarine, eggs, fruit, and vegetables. Butter, cheese, bacon, and sausage are not available locally, as no shops have refrigerators. There is a market across the street where staple necessities can be bought. More specialized items can be purchased in Nairobi or in Meru (a 45-minute drive).