Hospital Metodista Maua

Maua Township, Kenya

Hospital Website
Mission Organization
Methodist Mission In Kenya Conference Institution
Minimum Time Requirement
  • Three-week minimum for these specialties: anesthesiology, cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, colorectal surgery, CRNA, dentistry, emergency medicine, family medicine, general surgery, internal medicine, neonatology, oncology, orthopedic surgery, otolaryngology, pathology, pediatric orthopedic surgery, pediatric surgery, pediatrics, pharmacy, physical medicine and rehabilitation, physical therapy, plastic surgery, psychiatry, psychology, and urology.
  • Four month minimum for registered nurses.
  • Two month minimum for gastroenterology.
  • Perfil

    Maua Methodist Hospital was established in 1928 by British Methodist missionaries as a 50-bed hospital. Today, the hospital has a workforce of approximately 350 employees, serving in the clinical areas and Administration, with six medical officers, including a general surgeon, obstetrician/gynecologist, pediatrician, internal medicine, palliative care specialist, orthopedic surgeon, and family medicine specialist. The hospital houses around 200 beds in departments including Emergency Department, Maternity Ward, Surgical Ward, Pediatrics, and Inpatient (female and male) Wards. Other services include Physical Therapy, Dentistry, Laboratory, Ultrasound, and X-ray which includes a C-arm in the surgical theatre.

    In addition to in-house clinics, the Maua Methodist Hospital has an Outreach Department, including a very busy mother and child clinic. This department also addresses the multiple needs of population (approximately 6%) that lives with HIV/AIDS. These programs include a satellite palliative clinic, a housing program which allows AIDS orphans to live next to their extended family members, and deploying “kitchen gardens” to the homes of AIDS patients. This allows these residents to grow small amounts of vegetables containing essential nutrients required in order to tolerate the strong antiretroviral drugs needed for treatment.

    El viaje
    Fly by commercial airline to Nairobi, to the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. From Nairobi will be taken via ground transportation to the hospital, which is an approximately 5½ hour drive.
    Diferencia de la hora local
    GMT+2 (+7 hours Daylight Savings Time (EST) USA + 8 hours Eastern Standard Time)
    El lugar
    Maua Methodist Hospital is located in the Maua township, approximately 60 km north of Meru town and 350 km north-east of Nairobi in the Igembe sub-county. The Meru National Park is 20 km from the hospital.
    Su gente
    Maua Town is a semi-urban area with approximately 50,000 people during the day, however the area gets very busy and congested in the evenings.
    El idioma
    While English and Swahili are understood/spoken by younger Kenyans who've received an education, the older Meru people tend to speak Kimeru. All hospital staff are required to be proficient in English. The Kenyan staff is available for English translation when communicating with patients. Medical records are kept in English.
    La religión
    here is a high percentage of Christians in the immediate area around Maua, with many different denominations represented. Today, the religious denominations in Kenya are Protestant (45%), Catholic (28%), Islam (10%) with Muslim being the predominate religion along the coast and north-east region of the country.
    El clima
    July to October is the dry season, with almost no rain with afternoon temperatures in the upper 80's (F). Evenings and mornings are cooler, in the low 60's (F). Temperatures increase in October, with highs in the lower to mid-90's (F). November to May is the wet season. Temperatures in the afternoon reach up to 90 degrees (F). March through May see the heaviest rains.
    El alojamiento
    There are two 3-bedroom houses available for volunteers. These can be used by families or by individual volunteers of the same sex. Daily boarding fees are $15/day per person, for lodging and housekeeping, with volunteers preparing their own meals. Full board, which includes lodging, housekeeping and all meals, it is $25/day.
    La alimentación
    Volunteers can choose to make their own means or pay the additional amount to have meals prepared. There is no hospital cafeteria.
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