Hospital Cristiano Soddo

Soddo, Etiopía

Hospital Website

Mission Organization

Sponsored by the St. Luke's Healthcare Foundation


Soddo Christian Hospital is a 133-bed facility located in a mountainous region with beautiful weather. There are four wards: surgical, maternity, medicine/pediatrics, and orthopedic. Long-term expatriate staff include a general surgeon, an orthopedic surgeon, a OB/GYN and an internist.

El viaje

Volunteers will fly commercial airlines to Addis Ababa and obtain an in-country flight from Addis Ababa to Arba Mintch. A hospital driver will meet volunteers at the airport and take them to the hospital, an approximately 90-minute drive.

Diferencia de la hora local

+7 hours daylight saving time, +8 hours Eastern Standard Time, USA


Soddo is 400 Kilometers south of Addis Ababa in a mountainous region with beautiful weather at 7,400 feet elevation. Soddo, the town, is in the middle of the Wolaitta people of 2.5 million in the Southern Nations – Nationalities and People Regional State (SNNPRS) with approximately 12 million people.

El idioma

English is spoken by most hospital staff. Amharic is the office language of Ethiopia.

La religión

Animism and Orthodox Christianity are the primary religions. SIM evangelical Christians now have over 950 churches and over 120 evangelists in other areas of Ethiopia. Muslims have targeted Ethiopia and this area specifically.

El clima

Temperatures range from 60–65F at night with daytime temperatures ranging from 80–90F. The humidity is generally low. The rainy season is May to October. At 6,800 feet elevation the sun is intense.

El alojamiento

Accommodations are in a guest house or duplex depending on the number of guests. The homes and guest house is completely furnished and have electricity, running water, water filters, refrigerators, gas and electric burners, electric ovens, microwave. There is domestic help who can prepare meals and do cleaning. Most foods can be purchased in the city of Soddo. Butter, meat, and processed foods should be purchased in Addis Ababa before arriving at the hospital.
