Lorena and a Doll

Lorena & a Doll

God answers prayers for a child and her family in communist Romania.

Lorena grew up in Romania with her parents and sister. The economic effects of communism were so stark that, one evening, her family ate their last piece of bread for dinner. Her father went to his room and cried out to God because he had nothing to feed his family for breakfast or lunch the next day. Later, there was a knock at their door and someone handed Lorena’s father an envelope with some money in it. He knew that must be God!

On Christmas Eve, Lorena attended church where she heard about Jesus’ love and forgiveness. Afterward, she received a gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoebox and found inside it a doll with blonde hair. She’d always wanted a doll like that and knew that God had answered her prayers to send it to her!

Today, Lorena packs shoebox gifts for other boys and girls around the world, because she knows that through that simple gesture, she can speak the child’s language and show them God’s love.
