War Room

Coming to theaters August 28

At Samaritan's Purse
Prayer is a Powerful Weapon

In “War Room,” Miss Clara passionately prayed, “Raise up a generation, Lord, that will take light into this world.” God is using Operation Christmas Child to do just that! As we send shoeboxes filled with gifts and prayer around the world, the Good News of Jesus Christ is transforming children and families in need.


Make Disciples through The Greatest Journey

“You need to find a young woman to invest in,” Miss Clara told Elizabeth Jordan. “You’ve got to teach other people to seek the Lord.”
Miss Clara’s challenge applies to every Christian. The Greatest Journey Discipleship classroom We want as many boys and girls as possible who receive Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to participate in The Greatest Journey, the follow-up discipleship program developed by Samaritan’s Purse where children learn how to faithfully follow Christ and share Him with others. For just $6 a month, you can equip 12 children a year with Bible study materials and a New Testament in their own language. Your investment will impact entire families, communities, and nations for Christ!
Husband praying in prayer closet

Pray With Us

“Raise up warriors, Lord, who will fight on their knees,” prayed Miss Clara.
Are you willing to be a part of that answer? Is God calling you to fight the real enemy in prayer?
Children praying Join us in the most important aspect of Operation Christmas Child! Visit our prayer page with current requests from around the world and sign up to be part of our Prayer Network. This fellowship of intercessors receives monthly prayer updates and invites people to pray together with others in their area who have a heart for God’s work through Operation Christmas Child. Be part of changing lives for eternity!


Prepárate para empacar tus cajas de Operation Christmas Child al ordenar recursos gratis. Te proveeremos lo que necesitas para tu temporada de cajas de regalos como etiquetas, cartel, volantes, guías para empacar, videos inspiradores y más. Cada artículo te ayudará a empacar y enviar tus cajas, así como correr la voz de Operation Christmas Child en tu iglesia, grupo o comunidad.


War Room, a movie from the creators of Fireproof and Courageous, is a drama with humor and heart that explores the power that prayer can have on marriages, parenting, careers, friendships, and every other area of our lives.

