
December 2023

Greetings DART Members,

I'm constantly reminded and encouraged how the Lord is always in control, even when circumstances change and the needs are great. He has a plan, and His steadfast love never ceases.

As I write this, I'm sitting in a pediatric intensive care unit with my very sick 4-year-old niece. My mind is filled with uncertainty about what lies ahead for her. But then my spirit is lifted as I consider how my family is being blessed with the same type of aid that Samaritan's Purse provides to beneficiaries across the globe. Friends and even strangers are delivering hot meals, blankets, pillows, and personal hygiene items to the hospital, and they each seem to arrive at just the right time to meet a need. It makes me realize anew just how impactful our work is in the lives of those who are hurting. As I watch doctors and nurses come and go with an endless stream of medicines and supplies, my heart breaks for those who are in desperate need of healthcare but are being treated in ill-equipped hospitals or ones that are without electricity or clean water.

Over the last several months, DART has worked in North Africa, Armenia, Mexico, and Israel to help people affected by natural disasters, conflict, and displacements. Meanwhile, our Samaritan's Purse field offices have been busy working on the administrative details of these deployments. Fall is annual proposal and budget planning season for all of these offices, a time for strategizing about the locations and types of programming that will be most effective. As they plan, I'm thankful that the Lord is ultimately in control and that He is pleased to use us to help build His kingdom all over the world.

I'm so grateful for and proud of each one of you. You are working in some of the harshest of conditions, bringing physical aid and, most importantly, the hope of the Gospel to people facing extremely difficult situations. I want to encourage you to continue the work and to persevere through the hard times.

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:9–10

In Christ,

Heather Armstrong Deputy Director of International Projects

Response Updates:


Our Armenia response concluded on Nov. 30. Our team of burn care specialists provided surgical care to victims of a major gas explosion that resulted in 170 casualties and 160 injured. The medical team treated a total of 85 patients, performed 477 procedures, and conducted 273 physical therapy sessions. In addition, over 35,000 beneficiaries were served by our partners with non-food items (NFI) that included 17,000 blankets, 8,200 hygiene kits, and 7,500 solar lights. We also printed 50,000 Armenian-language Bibles in country to be distributed by our church partners.

Please continue to pray for all the lives that were affected by this conflict and for the seeds of the Gospel that were planted through our work.


When Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, Samaritan's Purse immediately deployed a DART to meet the emergency needs of innocent civilians in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank who are suffering as a result of the war. We are partnering with over 50 churches and Christian organizations to pack thousands of food bags. Each is filled with groceries that will feed a family of five for a week. In addition, we provided thousands of hygiene kits, food vouchers, and hot meals for internally displaced families, and sent medical equipment, including defibrillators to search-and-rescue teams.

When the terrorists attacked, they immediately targeted ambulances. They set some on fire and shot up other ones so they could not be used to help those who were suffering. In all, 14 ambulances were destroyed, and 11 EMTs were killed. Samaritan's Purse is replacing all 14 ambulances and providing an additional seven armor-plated ambulances to Magen David Adom, Israel's medical emergency system.

In November, Franklin Graham traveled to three villages in southern Israel that were attacked and pledged support to the survivors.

Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for all of those affected by the war. Also pray for our teams and ministry partners as they serve as the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need.


Samaritan's Purse stood up an IMT on Oct. 29 and deployed a joint NAM/Projects DART to Mexico in the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Otis, a deadly category 5 storm that ravaged Acapulco.

We are working closely with Legendarios and over 50 local churches, many of them Operation Christmas Child or Hispanic initiative partners, to coordinate emergency shelter, home repairs, and bulk food and clean water distributions. Four airlifts of relief supplies, containing over 180,000 pounds of cargo, have been sent.

Nine water points have been established along local churches, with five additional systems in the process of being installed. Almost 240,000 pounds of food have been distributed. With help from the military and the local church, the team has also handed out 2,900 tarps; over 10,000 household water filters/buckets; 3,200 solar lights; 1,422 hygiene kits; and 482 cooking kits. We praise God that chaplains have reported 112 decisions for Christ.

Pray for Gospel opportunities and that many would come to know Christ through our work in Mexico.

Sharpen Your Skills!

If you are not certified in First Aid/CPR, consider signing up to get certified! Basic first aid and CPR are invaluable skills that can save lives. Most courses are available to persons of all ages and educational qualifications. See which classes are offered near you!

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