If your home was damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Helene as it swept through western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee, you may be eligible for the Samaritan's Purse rebuild program. We are constructing hundreds of new homes for families whose houses were left uninhabitable due to the storm. We also are replacing hundreds of mobile homes. Furniture and materials assistance are available as well.
Para calificar, debes ser el propietario de la casa, y esta debe ser tu vivienda principal.
Asimismo, Samaritan's Purse está proveyendo subsidios a las iglesias que fueron dañadas por el huracán.
Se priorizará a propietarios que no cuenten con un seguro, o cuyo seguro sea insuficiente. Los solicitantes, además, deben estar entre los niveles de ingresos mínimos y máximos.
Solo cuesta $6 proveer libros para las lecciones y una Biblia para que un niño participe en este programa de discipulado de Samaritan’s Purse.
It only costs $10 to provide a Bible or Christian literature for a family in need through the Christmas catalog.