Hospital Bautista Bíblico
Tsiko, Togo
Also known as Karolyn Kempton Memorial Christian Hospital
Hospital Website
Mission Organization
Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE)
Service Requirements
Three-week service minimum: family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.
Four-week service minimum: emergency medicine, neonatology, nurse practitioner, pharmacy, physical therapy, and physician assistant.
French required for physical therapy service.
Hopital Baptiste Biblique (HBB) or Karolyn Kempton Memorial Christian Hospital (KKMCH) is a 50-bed hospital that opened in 1985. There are 8 to 10 beds in each of the male and female wards, an 8- to 10-bed pediatric ward, a four-bed ICU, an infection ward, and an 8- to 10-bed maternity with a four-bed delivery area. There is one isolation room and two private rooms, a triage area and a busy outpatient clinic with an average of 18,000 visits per year. HHB/ KKMCH is in southwest Togo, just north of Kpalimé. The hospital is located on 32 beautiful acres at the foot of the Danyi Plateau between two large urban areas. Lush and green, the site abounds with trees, flowers, and vegetation. It is a major medical, surgical, and acute-care facility that serves approximately half a million people. The bulk of the patients are Togolese, but many come from neighboring countries as well. Hospital expatriate staff includes two U.S. boarded American family practice physicians, two U.S. boarded American pediatricians, two U.S. boarded American general surgeons, and two Nurse Practitioners. Annually, HHB/KKMCH provides care to over 2,200 inpatients, including around 1,600 surgical cases. HBB averages 600-700 deliveries per year with about 40% of those being C-sections. There are evangelistic mobile medical clinics and an active community health evangelism program. The hospital also conducts immunization and pre-natal clinics and has a HIV support team.
El viaje
Volunteers fly into Lomé, Togo. From Lomé, it is a 2½ hour drive (transportation provided – see budget worksheet for cost) on a paved road to the hospital.
Diferencia de la hora local
+4 hours daylight saving time; +5 hours Eastern Standard Time
Togo is a long, narrow country located in West Africa between Ghana and Benin. At just under 22,000 square miles, it is slightly smaller than the state of West Virginia. KKMCH is in southwest Togo, just north of Kpalimé.
Su gente
Togo is one of the most densely populated areas of Africa with more than 7 million inhabitants. There are 37 different tribes and ethnic groups, but the largest is the Ewe (pronounced ay-vay). The population is relatively young with 70 percent being under 30 years of age. The city of Lomé is home to more than 1.5 million inhabitants.
El idioma
Although there are 44 tribal languages in Togo, the two main languages are Ewe and Kabyé, with French being the official national language used throughout the country. Virtually all official business and teaching is conducted in French.
La religión
The Togolese people are very receptive to the Gospel, but many remain faithful to their pagan ancestry. Many who claim to be Catholic, Protestant, or Muslim still hold on to much of their animism. Over half of the population is involved in some form of animism or spiritism.
El clima
The weather in Adéta is generally hot and humid. Average high temperatures range from the upper 80s to the upper 90s. There are a rainy season and a dry season. The rainy season is from late March through October. From November to February, the Harmattan winds blow down from the Sahara, causing a constant dusty haze.
El alojamiento
Most volunteers will stay in the guesthouse on the compound. It has five large units, each with its own bath, and one with a sitting room. Two of the rooms have a lockable common door so large families can share the rooms. There are also homes available to those serving for several months.
La alimentación
The guesthouse provides meals for volunteers at a reasonable cost. The water on the hospital compound is filtered and there are additional filters at the guesthouse.
Common Diseases/Trauma
Meningitis, malaria, hernias, intestinal diseases, infertility, typhoid, cancer, diabetes, snake bites, tetanus, rabies, and hypertension.
Local, spinal, ketamine and general. Wall mounted oxygen.
Doctor's orders are generally written in English. Nursing charting in French and English. Most staff speak English. Translators available for patient interaction.
Lab Tests
CBC, hematology, various chemistries, parasitology, rapid testing for HIV, Hepatitis B & C, electrolytes, malaria, urinalysis, sickle cell, TB, creatinine, and TSH.
No pathology lab on site. Specimens are sent back to the U.S. for review and diagnosis.
Basic X-ray. Mobile ultrasound machine. No CAT scan.
here are two operating rooms equipped with basic OR equipment and supplies to perform a broad range of surgeries. There is an equipment sterilizer machine. No laparoscopy or fluoroscopy. No ventilators except for generals for surgery. Limited orthopedic capacity including SIGN nail capability. There is a hip fracture table. There are upper and lower endoscopes. Surgeries are performed every weekday except Wednesday and emergency cases 24/7. Average of 4 surgeries performed per day.