Hospital Kibogora

Nyamsheke, Ruanda

Hospital Website

Mission Organization

General Missionary Board, Free Methodist Church

Minimum Time Requirement

Three-week service minimum for registered nurses.

Four-week service minimum for dentistry and physical therapy.


Kibogora Hospital is a 280-bed facility that includes: 69 post-surgery, 66 pediatric/nutrition, 50 internal medicine, 38 maternity, 24 neonatal, seven emergency room, 12 isolation, and 14 private rooms. Physician staff includes 13 general practitioners. All are either Rwandan or Congolese. Most speak adequate English. Many of the physicians are able to do C-sections and some surgical procedures. There are also three trained CRNAs usually available and several OR technicians. There is an eye clinic staffed by a Rwandan eye nurse and a dental clinic staffed by two Rwandan dental technicians. The hospital is averaging 200-220 inpatients and 140-220 outpatients daily. Kibogora has an average of 2,400 deliveries, 4,000 surgeries, and 700 gastroscopies per year.

El viaje

Fly commercial airlines into capital city of Kigali. The following morning there is a five-hour drive from Kigali to Kibogora or a one-hour flight to Kamembe with a one-hour drive to the hospital. Upon arrival, there is a hospital tour and assignment to a “go to” person.

Diferencia de la hora local

+ 6 hours daylight saving time; +7 hours Eastern Standard Time


Located 100 miles southwest of the capital city of Kigali, overlooking Lake Kivu and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kibogora is one of the most beautiful places on the African continent.

El idioma

French, English, and Kinyarwanda. Kinyarwandan is spoken most of the time with patients. An increasing number of nurses speak English and can translate for you. Some of the physicians speak English and want to practice; others are stronger in French. Nurses also can translate as needed. If the volunteer wants to hire a personal translator, it costs about $90 per month to hire a graduated nurse who is not yet employed. If the volunteer wants to pay for a translator, let your field liaison and this can be arranged.

El clima

Rainy seasons are February through April and November and December. Temperature averages 70°F.

Common Diseases/Trauma

Stomach ulcers, tumors, cardiac anomalies, malaria, asthma, pneumonia, TB meningitis and other forms of meningitis, typhoid fever, and orthopedic trauma from car accidents.


Spinal, Ketamine, local, and general.


Both English and French based on the preference of the person documenting. Some translators are available.

Dental Clinic

Open Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Dental technicians go out one at a time and do teaching and clinics in the health centers. A dental clinic inventory of supplies and equipment is available upon request to your World Medical Mission contact.

Lab Tests Available

H&H, CBC, electrolytes, ALT, AST, glucose, cholesterol, Bilirubin Uric Acid Urea Creatinine blood typing/matching, HIV testing, CD4 counts, bleeding time, malaria, TB testing, and stool sample. The hospital runs out of reagents and other chemicals at times.


There are two Rwandan eye nurses at Kibogora seeing 2,500 patients per year. Short-term volunteers will see the more complicated patients in an effort to avoid transferring patients to an eye hospital that is five hours away and incurring costs that many patients cannot afford. Short-term volunteers also will teach/train the Rwandan nurses and evaluate their clinical skills. Kibogora stocks eye glasses and eye drops. A list of the ophthalmic equipment and supplies is available upon request to your World Medical Mission contact.


All pathology is sent to another facility. It currently takes 2–4 weeks to get results.


X-ray with digital developer. Typical X-ray and barium contrasts. The radiographer at Kibogora also does EKGs. There are two well trained X-ray technicians. Ultrasound equipment consists of a small portable maternity ultrasound.


There are two main ORs and an adjacent “minor” treatment room. Scheduled surgeries are done Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. Tuesday is emergency surgeries and surgical consultation and Friday is catch up on postponed scheduled cases and emergency cases. The average is around three major cases per day. Equipment includes: Cardiac monitor/defibrillator, oxygen, suction, bovie, dermatome. There is a gastroscope. The OR is equipped with basic surgical instrument packs. Basic suture materials are usually available. Sterile operating gloves are usually available unless the surgeon needs an unusual size or latex free gloves. There are a limited number of external fixators for orthopedics. No laparoscopy is available. There is also an OR adjacent to the maternity ward that is used for C-sections.


Informally during rounds. Short-term volunteers, if they desire, may do up to one per week.
