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If you farm or garden, you understand.
How seeds so tiny,
dwarfed by your hand,
Start under the dirt and transform barren land.

From up in the mountains, to the valleys low
In forests, deserts, backyards, even under the snow,
We bury seeds in the earth,
and wait for them to grow.

We plant to feed our families
We plant to sell, trade, and take care.
This treasure God brings up
from the ground
Is a sweeter gift when shared.

Help poor families around the world
grow vegetables — vitamin-rich and leafy green.
Give seeds in Latin America for carrots,
onions, cabbage, lettuce, potatoes, beetroots,
and green beans.
In Africa, include okra, peanuts, and sorghum.
For Asia, give more rice and the edible vine,
morning glory.

These struggling farmers, always looking for
weather hints from the sky,
Know the worth of one tomato or radish
that is ripe.
They see nutritious meals for their children,
Money for medical care,
A chance for proper housing, clothes,
and education —
Leading to untold possibilites
from there

A handful of seeds can seem a gift too small.
But sometimes it’s
a tiny thing
That forever changes it all.