Strength in the Fight

Samaritan’s Purse doctors and nurses share Scripture that they leaned on in the midst of battling COVID-19 in the Bahamas.

This year Samaritan’s Purse has battled COVID-19 in 30 countries. From opening Emergency Field Hospitals in epicenters of the outbreak—including northern Italy, New York City, and the Bahamas—to training medical professionals in infection prevention and control protocol in Sudan or assisting with screening and contact tracing in Colombia, Samaritan’s Purse has helped tens of thousands of people in the midst of the pandemic.

As Samaritan’s Purse doctors, nurses, and medical personnel prepared to provide life-saving care to patients suffering with COVID-19, they clung to Jesus—often writing Bible references across their personal protective equipment. These words of truth became their anchor for long shifts of fighting the deadly virus. At the Emergency Field Hospital in Nassau, Bahamas, members of our Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) shared the Scripture verses that God put on their hearts for this deployment.

Kianna, RN

Vancouver, Canada
"A lot of times when it's hot and we are in personal protective equipment for hours on end, and we're thirsty and tired, we need prayer for strength and endurance. I remind myself in those moments that my strength does not come from myself. My strength is from the Lord.”.

I will fear no evil;
For You are with me…

Psalm 23 ESV


Cheyenne, Wyoming
"Life can be meaningless if we are not serving with the right heart. I keep coming back to that and remembering that my relationship with God has to be first or else my service is a wasted effort. That’s a motivation for me to be constantly seeking God as I am dealing with tough situations or frustrated. God’s grace is sufficient, and it is that grace that saves me and allows me to care for others.”.

When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory…

Colossians 3:1–4 NIV

Alyssa, RN

Calgary, Alberta
"I don’t do this alone. I couldn’t do 12 hour shifts, day after day without God’s strength. I don’t have to worry or be anxious about it because I know God will give me the strength to do it. I’ve never felt so much joy.”.

God is the strength of my heart…

Psalm 73:26 NKJV

Emily, RN

Detroit, Michigan
"The Lord is our protector. We don’t go unless the Lord goes before us, and He is right here with us. We can feel His presence, and I want to carry that in to our patients—to really just let them feel loved. We are here for them, and we are not afraid to take care of them. We came just for them.”.

He shall cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you shall take refuge…

Psalm 91:4 NKJV

Bob, Physician

Gulf Breeze, Florida
"I see the ground rules—there is a lot of spiritual warfare surrounding these responses. We’ve got to cover this entire response in prayer. Prayer is powerful. We need to immerse ourselves in prayer every day because prayer works.”.

And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick…

James 5: 13–15 ESV

Cheryl, RN

Ludlow Falls, Ohio
"When life is tough, I cling to the promise that God is our refuge and strength. We all have hard times. As staff, we have long days and hard work, but our patients are sick. They are fighting COVID-19, feeling sick, and away from their families. Psalm 46 is a reminder to us that God is our strength and all we need. He is here for all of us.”.

God is our refuge and strength…

Psalm 46:1 KJV

Kelly, RN

Huntington Beach, California
"The Lord is in charge. He hears us. He sees us. He knows us. God knows our fears, worries, and cares. If we step aside from our own thought process and allow Him to work through us, He will take everything that we've learned or lived through up until now, and He will put it together and use it for the betterment of His people.
It's not because I’m smart or accomplished—it’s because I'm willing, available, and I said yes. I've grown to press into Jesus and rely on Him more. I want to allow Him to let me be the light that shines in the darkness and to always to be ready to share the hope I have in Jesus Christ with those He puts before me.”.

Trust in the Lord
with all your heart…

Proverbs 3:5–6 NKJV

The seven DART members highlighted above are just a few of the incredible Samaritan's Purse staff members God has called to deploy this year. Each one selflessly serves people in need. They don't do it for recognition or praise. They serve to show the love of Jesus Christ, and they know it is only possible through God's strength. You can support global efforts like these through the 2020 Christmas Gift Catalog.
