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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Faros de esperanza

Lighthouse churches serve as beacons of hope to devastated communities and are an essential part of the work Samaritan’s Purse does during deployments across the country. In the aftermath of disasters, our U.S. Disaster Relief teams rely on local congregations and church leaders to serve as the backbone of our efforts. These Lighthouse churches host…

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Samaritan’s Purse Volunteers Bring Relief in Jesus’ Name to Georgia and the Florida Panhandle

SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER FOR OUR HURRICANE MICHAEL RESPONSE LATEST Oct. 18, 8:30 a.m. Our volunteers are hard at work in Albany, Georgia, and in the Florida Panhandle where our teams have received more than 1,500 work orders between the two locations. More than 300 volunteers so far have helped respond to the need. Many…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

‘God Calls Us to Hard Places’

An 8-year-old Kenyan child with spina bifida stands upright and walks for the first time. A man whose name means “deformed” marvels at his reshaped mouth following cleft lip surgery in South Sudan. God’s healing power in the life of a toddler with a congenital heart condition leads to the planting of a church now…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Operation Heal Our Patriots comienza su Decimosegunda Temporada Veraniega en Alaska

Memorial Day weekend marked the start of the Operation Heal Our Patriots 2023 summer season. Eleven military couples, from eight states and Puerto Rico, arrived on Sunday, May 28, at Samaritan Lodge Alaska where they were greeted by a flag-waving, enthusiastic crowd that included staff, volunteers, and local town residents. The patriots and their spouses…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER: Samaritan’s Purse Responding to Deadly Fires in Northern California

SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER IN CALIFORNIA Samaritan’s Purse has staff on the ground in Northern California’s Butte County, with one of our disaster relief units—a tractor trailer packed with tools and equipment—standing by. We will help homeowners sift for valuables and remove debris just as soon as local authorities allow us entrance. Billy Graham Rapid…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Free Lunches for Furloughed Federal Employees

From Franklin Graham: President Trump announced today that they have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government. I know the 800,000+ federal workers will be grateful to get back to work! Thank you President Trump for your leadership and for your efforts to protect our nation. Let’s continue to pray…

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Llevamos socorro a las familias israelíes

Samaritan’s Purse teams and ministry partners are offering various forms of relief to the Israeli people following the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks that claimed more than 1,200 lives. We are providing 21 new ambulances, including seven that are armor-plated to guard against sniper rounds and other attacks. “Generations to come will remember this help,”…

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Christian Leaders Call for Special Day of Prayer for the President: June 2

A special message from Franklin Graham: Along with 250+ Christian leaders, I am asking followers of Christ across our nation to set aside next Sunday, June 2, as a special day of prayer for the President, Donald J. Trump. President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family, and the presidency. In…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Proveemos sistemas de agua para México

Samaritan’s Purse donated four water filtration systems to Mexico’s military in a special ceremony in Santa Lucía on March 20. The devices were used during our response to Hurricane Otis that damaged or destroyed hundreds of homes in and around Acapulco and left families in the region without access to clean drinking water. It was…

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Corazones nuevos, un propósito nuevo en Mongolia

At first glance, Erdembayar seems like an ordinary 12-year-old boy. He enjoys participating in physical education class at school with his friends as well as riding horses and cooking Korean food, fried rice, and cakes. But up until three years ago, he didn’t have energy for any of these things. For years previously, Erdembayar had…

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