Franklin Graham’s bold vision to deliver gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes in Jesus’ Name to every child on 1,000 Pacific islands—more than half a million kids—began in early 2019 and will continue until every child is reached. “I want to reach these islands for Christ,” Graham said when he visited the island nation of Kiribati…
2024 Mid-Year Report
Resources & Ideas Hub
Nueva Iglesia bautiza a nuevos creyentes en las montañas de México
El pueblo de La Laguna, en el remoto México, hogar del pueblo Náhuatl, fue una vez un pueblo que nunca había oído el Evangelio de Jesucristo. Nadie en la comunidad de la montaña había escuchado el Nombre de Jesús. Nadie había escuchado que Dios los ama o cómo podrían tener una relación personal con el…
#ShoeboxStories: Désiré and The Yo-Yo
Shoebox Gifts Protected in the Storms
When Hurricane Laura threatened Louisiana at the end of August, and again when Hurricane Delta came only a few weeks later, Lula Singletary and her daughter, Kathy Guidry, prayed for God’s protection as they evacuated their neighboring homes in Woodlawn. This community near the town of Jennings endured wind gusts of more than 165 mph,…
Evangelismo. Discipulado. Multiplicación.
Seeing with New Eyes
In many parts of Togo to be born blind is to be born cursed. Families and communities superstitiously fear the disability. Annani, who is visually impaired rather than totally blind, was nevertheless rejected by his father and scorned by teachers and classmates. In the latter case, he was shamed because he couldn’t see the blackboard…
The Love Behind a Shoebox Gift Surprised a Girl in Cambodia
Boun Thorne grew up in a boat village in the Southeast Asian nation of Cambodia. In the aftermath of a terrible situation, she moved at age 10 to a safe house where she received Bible teaching and an Operation Christmas Child shoebox—her first gift ever! When Boun inquired why someone would send her a gift,…
Abriendo ojos y oídos en Ecuador
Nestled in the mountains of the Pichincha province of Ecuador, Pastor Segundo Santacruz leads a large church that meets in a very small building. “Amor a la Vida” (Love for Life), as the congregation is called, reaches out to the Quechua community around them in a variety of creative ways. They provide food for their…