Bethy and her husband Gustavo have been living on the streets of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, for weeks. Hurricane Eta’s heavy rains flooded their home, forcing them to seek temporary refuge elsewhere. “It was so scary,” Gustavo said. “We had to set an alarm every 25 minutes to wake up and see what the water…
Gráficos sociales
Newsletter September 2023
Opciones de etiquetas para cajas
Azima and a Teddy Bear
¡Mira al tío Sid empacar una caja de regalo!
BUILD A SHOEBOX ONLINE Uncle Si packs an Operation Christmas Child shoebox like no one else! National Collection Week may be over, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t pack more shoebox gifts for children around the world. Watch this #Throwback video and Build a Shoebox Online today
Hospital Móvil de Emergencias ha llegado, en proceso de instalarse; por favor sigue orando
UPDATE (March 6): The DC-8 landed safely in Poland and materials for the Emergency Field Hospital have been transported to Ukraine. The Samaritan’s Purse team is now in the process of setting up the facility on the outskirts of Lviv. Based on recent assessments, it has been decided to increase the capacity of our Ukraine…