Today (Nov. 19) is Mason Mulligan’s 18th birthday. Like many, he plans to celebrate by enjoying family, friends, and good food. He also wants to make the day special by giving to others. With the help of friends and family, he packed 77 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes in honor of his milestone year. This would…
God’s Hand Evident as Tanzania Crash Survivors Return Home
UPDATED AUGUST 18 Three months ago, three Tanzanian children were airlifted on gurneys to the United States in critical condition and faced an unknown future. Today, Sadhia, Wilson, and Doreen arrived back home in the same Samaritan’s Purse DC-8 that flew them half-way around the world for lifesaving medical care. Our aircraft took off the…
Capacitación en nutrición salva vidas en Filipinas
He cried relentlessly throughout the night, struggled with a persistent cough, and had no appetite. “We did not know why he would not stop crying,” said Nilma, the child’s mother. Nilma decided to ask for help from Mailyn, a community health worker trained by Samaritan’s Purse in the Philippines. Mailyn could tell that Ziyad, or…
Regalos de Operation Christmas Child ayudan a construir una iglesia en Tanzania
The bike ride through the path of deep sand to Kitomondo takes Pastor Marco Kayumbo more than two hours to negotiate. He prays and sings to pass the time. Kitomondo is a rural community outside Tanzania’s largest city of Dar es Salaam, and it’s where Pastor Marco started a church almost two years ago. It…
Dios contesta las oraciones para salvar el matrimonio de una pareja militar
Sean and Brandy Karpf’s teenage romance began one summer as they both worked the late shift at their local McDonald’s. They spent until the early hours of the morning breaking down equipment, cleaning, and closing the store. Some fleeting high school crushes are quickly forgotten, but this one lasted three years and culminated in an…
El paseo anual High Country Warrior apoya a parejas militares
Almost 200 riders on 160 motorcycles rode down backroads and the Blue Ridge Parkway on Saturday, May 20, to support Operation Heal Our Patriots. The group departed from Samaritan’s Purse International Headquarters in Boone, North Carolina, for the roundtrip route to and from Grandfather Mountain. This was the 12th Annual Warrior Ride, an event that…
Newsletter March 2024
Shoebox Letter Prompts Girl in Mexico to Receive Christ
Jazmin had been longing for a doll of her own. When she received one at age 6 in an Operation Christmas Child shoebox, she thanked God for the gift. “It was very exciting,” Jazmin, now 17, recalled. “It wasn’t only a doll, it was a princess doll. I didn’t have anything like it. I thought…
Pastores jóvenes de Asia Central reciben cajas de regalos
A simple drive through the countryside can become something special. Yusif*, a volunteer leader in Central Asia with Operation Christmas Child, was traveling with several team members to a ministry meeting when he spotted two shepherd boys tending their flock near the highway. Remembering that he had some gift-filled shoeboxes as well as copies of…
Buenas Nuevas y Gran Gozo para los niños alrededor del mundo
The summer of 1993, Franklin Graham received a call from England asking if he would fill shoeboxes with gifts for kids in war-torn Eastern Europe. Familiar with the suffering there from his recent visits to the region, Franklin agreed. Around Thanksgiving, his office received another call from England asking about the gifts. Franklin remembered the…