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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Motociclistas viajan para apoyar a veteranos heridos en combate y sus cónyuges

More than 200 motorcyclists gathered on Saturday, May 21, for the 11th annual High Country Warrior Ride to raise funds for Operation Heal Our Patriots, the Samaritan’s Purse project aimed at strengthening the marriages of veterans wounded in post-9/11 combat operations. Starting at our International Headquarters in Boone, North Carolina, 151 motorcycles traveled together some…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Animales de carga donados a una organización de Carolina ayudan con el socorro por Helene

A February storm had softened the ground considerably and loosened the roots on an old poplar tree. Wind gusts finished it off. Mike and Michele Toberer were hours out of town when the timber fell and broke a large opening into a fence holding their mules. Three of them escaped into the highway. “That was…

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Operation Christmas Child

Dios usa La Gran Aventura para transformar vidas en América Latina

On the backs of elephants, through jungles, and over distant mountains, many faithful and dedicated Operation Christmas Child volunteers joyfully deliver gift-filled shoeboxes to every corner of the globe. These gifts provide local churches in remote locations unique opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a tangible manner during Operation Christmas Child outreach…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Parejas militares unidas para la reunión de Operation Heal Our Patriots 2022

Meeting in Orlando for this year’s Operation Heal Our Patriots Reunion, more than 400 military couples were inspired, challenged, and encouraged by powerful speakers and workshop leaders who pointed to Christ for healing and restoration. The gathering heard from prominent Christian leaders including former Secretary of State Michael Pompeo; Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin; Capt.…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Children’s Heart Project Medical Volunteer

Apply to Be a Medical Volunteer Are you a medical professional with a heart to help children in need as part of your Christian service to the Lord? We work with medical volunteers to screen, monitor, and transport children for heart procedures to a partnering pediatric hospital. Children's Heart Project offers two ways to volunteer;…

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Agua, salubridad e higiene

Clean Water Initiatives Help Keep Children Healthy

When Than was in elementary school she had to take turns with the other children carrying water from a well about 20 minutes away. The well was the only clean water source for the school, so every week a different team of students made several trips to bring back drinking water for their classmates. Now,…

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Fact Sheet: Children’s Heart Project

Children's Heart Project Purpose To provide life-saving surgery for children with congenital heart defects from countries where appropriate treatment is extremely limited or nonexistent. Samaritan's Purse identifies children in need of surgery; finds doctors and hospitals willing to donate their services; provides roundtrip airfare; coordinates with host families; and arranges for a medical transporter to…

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Franklin Graham

Newsletter September

Franklin Graham Update | September Preparing War-Weary Ukrainiansfor a Harsh Winter Preparing War-Weary Ukrainiansfor a Harsh Winter Dear Friend, Winter comes early in Eastern Europe, and it looks like it will be a harsh one for the people of Ukraine. After six months of war, millions are living in badly damaged houses without power or running water as they…

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Operation Christmas Child

Desde Oklahoma con amor

Doris Row started packing Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes on her ranch in Tishomingo, Oklahoma, in 1995 after her 13-year-old son died at Christmastime the year before. She was determined not to live in grief, but to do something good to help overcome it. She chose to begin packing shoebox gifts for children in need around…

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Operation Christmas Child

Shoebox Gifts Bridge the Divide

Shoebox Gifts Bridge the Divide Shoebox Gifts Bridge the Divide God used prayer and Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to help reconcile a believer to his estranged family. Today he is no longer the only Christian among them! Ibrahim* grew up in a rural village in Burkina Faso. The local community highly respected his family because…

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