Operation Christmas Child Latino Night
Operation Christmas Child (Korean)
Operation Christmas Child Audio PSA’s
Surgical Teams Provide Life-Changing Operations
Being born with a cleft lip in South Sudan usually means a lifetime of shame. Many people in the country believe that the facial deformity is the result of a curse and treat those with a cleft lip as outcasts. Samaritans Purse began a cleft lip and palate surgical project in 2011 to send volunteer…
2023 Poster (Spanish)
Promote local Operation Christmas Child events by customizing and displaying these posters in classrooms, meeting rooms, businesses, drop-off locations, or around your neighborhood. Materiales y publicaciones en inglés. Promote local Operation Christmas Child events by customizing and displaying these posters in hallways, classrooms, or around your community
2023 Poster
Promote local Operation Christmas Child events by customizing and displaying these posters in classrooms, meeting rooms, businesses, drop-off locations, or around your neighborhood. Materiales y publicaciones en español. Promote local Operation Christmas Child events by customizing and displaying these posters in hallways, classrooms, or around your community
2024 Online National Collection Week Volunteer Service Form
Oficinas alrededor del mundo
To extend our base of operations, Samaritan's Purse opened offices in Canada (1973), the United Kingdom (1989), Australia/New Zealand (1995), Germany (2019), and Korea (2020). Each office works toward the same goal of taking the love of Jesus Christ to victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, and disease. To contact one of our international…