On the backs of elephants, through jungles, and over distant mountains, many faithful and dedicated Operation Christmas Child volunteers joyfully deliver gift-filled shoeboxes to every corner of the globe. These gifts provide local churches in remote locations unique opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a tangible manner during Operation Christmas Child outreach…
La edad no es obstáculo para empacar cajas de regalos
Leila Mae Cummings’ favorite activity is to pack Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. This 98-year-old resident of Greensboro, North Carolina, packed hundreds of them this year because she has a heart for children and hard work. “Growing up on the farm, I can’t ever remember a time when I didn’t have a job to do,”…
Children in Botswana Learn About God’s Love Through Shoebox Gifts
For children living in Molepolole, Botswana, receiving gifts is rare, so when Anitah attended a church outreach event she wasn’t expecting the wonderful surprise that awaited her. She experienced God’s love when she received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift from a family on the other side of the world. The free gifts in her…
God Uses a Shoebox Gift to Transform a Family in the Philippines
Bryce Pablo received a shoebox gift as a 4-year-old. Three years later, he accepted Jesus Christ and led his family to follow the Lord as well! Bryce Pablo is one of more than 6 million children in the Philippines who have received a gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift. “When I opened my box, I…
It Started with a Shoebox Gift: Children Share Christ with Their Friends in Botswana
Peniel, 11, wants to be a doctor when she’s older so she can help people who are suffering. “I want to help people because I don’t want anyone in the hospital to die like my grandpa did. In the hospital. My father cried forever.” Helping others was not high on Peniel’s priority list a couple…
La historia de Elena: Gratitud y alabanza en Polonia
“The war started suddenly,” Elena, a fine arts teacher in Ukraine, said. “I prayed every day, ‘Lord, I trust in You. Give me strength, patience, and humility for this day.’” Soon, she and her daughter fled to Poland to escape the increasing violence. They arrived close to Easter and moved into a hotel that was…
Excited for Shoeboxes in South America!
Operation Christmas Child leaders meeting in Brazil praise the Lord for the many lives in their region that are being transformed by the power of the Gospel! Your prayerfully packed shoeboxes enable them to share the love of God with children in need. Watch the video above to share in the South America team’s joy!…
Entrar en una zona de guerra con cajas de regalos y comestibles
Niños conforme al corazón de Dios
On a warm, sunny afternoon on the outskirts of Kampala, Uganda, dozens of boys and girls run, laugh, smile, and play various childhood games on a large, grassy lawn. Boys race about kicking a soccer ball, while several girls jump rope. Others giggle as they attempt to twirl hula hoops around their waists. Later, they…
Una lista diferente de deseos de Navidad
As many children eagerly prepare their wish lists for what they want for Christmas, a family in Kansas is deciding what they want to give. Two years ago, Eric and Melissa Dannefer of Abilene showed their three young daughters the Samaritan’s Purse gift catalog and asked each of them to choose one item to help…