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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Ayudamos a salvar bebés en Liberia

Samaritan’s Purse medical teams have performed hundreds of life-changing cleft lip and palate surgeries in Liberia. Sadly, though, some Liberian children born with this condition never have the opportunity to receive such medical treatment. Sometimes their lives are snuffed out at birth or shortly thereafter by family members or midwives just because of the severe…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

La ayuda de emergencia llega para socorrer a los hambrientos en Sudán

Samaritan’s Purse has recently trucked nearly 12,000 metric tons of food for starving people in Kordofan, Sudan. The baskets of food, part of an emergency relief initiative, are going to families in overflowing displacement camps scattered across the remote region. We have provided food and other relief to assist more than 180,000 men, women, and…

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Nuestro Ministerio


AIC-CURE Children's Hospital Kijabe, Kenya Get Started Hospital Website https://cure.org/kenya/ Mission Organization Africa Inland Church (AIC) – CURE International Profile AIC-CURE Children's Hospital is one of the leading specialty hospitals in East Africa. AIC-CURE is a 30-bed, pediatric orthopedic hospital devoted to serving the physically disabled children of Kenya as well as training new Kenya…

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Nuestro Ministerio

‘Go and Do Likewise’

A team of 11 women in the Holland, Michigan, area is tending to the needs of their “neighbors in a ditch” by stitching! Over the past nine and a half years, the ladies have created over 6,000 purses and totes, giving all of the proceeds to Samaritan’s Purse. The group, aptly called Purses for Samaritan’s…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Celebramos la obra de Dios entre las parejas de militares

Navy Seaman David Boggs struggled with symptoms of post traumatic stress from his job on minesweeper missions in the Persian Gulf. Even years later he can still recount in detail nerve-wracking nights when their ship was targeted. As he fought against ongoing anxiety from his months at sea, his marriage with his wife, Nicole, became…

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A New Peace

For a long time, Army Sergeant John Hosea’s only solace was mile after high-speed mile on motorcycle through the Nevada desert. Like many combat veterans, he missed the adrenaline and brotherhood of military service. Hundreds of miles on his Harley also quieted his mind from replaying the tragic events of June 9, 2012. Out on…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Vicepresidente Mike Pence motiva a parejas militares en Alaska

Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen, joined staff and volunteers at Samaritan Lodge Alaska in ministering to wounded military veterans and their spouses from July 20-23. Invited to Alaska by Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham and his wife, Jane, the Pences were a great encouragement to military couples during Week Seven of the…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Marine jubilado sirve con equipo Patriot en St. Louis

Their mission that day in St. Louis was to save a condemned home where mold had taken over. The owner and her 85-year-old mother were still residing inside, breathing noxious spores. “I really can’t believe they were living in that,” said Brad Chandler, who was serving as a volunteer with Team Patriot, a Samaritan’s Purse…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Military Couples Mark New Beginnings in Alaska

Mike Parsons served as a Marine from 2002-2006 and was first injured in 2003 during an IED blast in Iraq that left shrapnel in his leg, arm, and back. He continues to require surgeries for these physical wounds. But like many Marines and soldiers, airmen and sailors, Mike has struggled hardest with post-traumatic stress disorder…

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Guiar parejas a Cristo en Alaska

Military couples have been coming to Samaritan Lodge Alaska now for more than a decade with Operation Heal Our Patriots, and each of the 17 weeks of the program provides once-in-a-lifetime wilderness experiences. Our Samaritan’s Purse guides play a vital role in giving these couples memorable excursions together. Longtime outdoorsman and guide Ralph Meloon says…

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