Wrapped head to toe in a loose, floral fabric, Amira takes the hospital bucket from beside her cot and steps outside the pediatric ward to do some washing. The ward is one of eight tents that make up the Samaritan’s Purse Emergency Field Hospital, which has been operating since Christmas Day beside the government hospital…
Operation Heal Our Patritos fortalece a las parejas a largo plazo
Aimmie Jenkins was surprised in Louisiana to see her war-injured husband, former Army Staff Sergeant Andrew Jenkins, mudding out homes; cutting up and carrying trees; and tarping damaged roofs. After more than a decade of watching him painfully and slowly recover from injuries he sustained in Iraq and Afghanistan, she was suddenly watching the man…
Operation Heal Our Patriots 2020 Begins: Couples Arrive in Alaska
Update (July 15): This is the story of the arrival of Week One patriot couples. For a full story on the first week’s activities, go to the wrap-up article here. — This year’s first group of patriot couples took off from Anchorage around 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 5, and arrived at Port Alsworth about…
¿Cómo organizar un evento para empacar?
Lorena and a Doll
Newsletter January 2025
Official Statement on Mansa, Zambia
A blog that was published in 2017 has recirculated stating that in a province in Zambia, pastors were charged money for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. We promptly investigated and were disappointed to find that this incident was true. We have made changes in our global national training program to emphasize that this cannot happen. Shoebox…
Paraplegic Volunteer Helps Process Shoeboxes for Children in Need
Samaritan’s Purse relies on thousands of volunteers to process the millions of Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts collected each year for boys and girls around the world. Renee Brinton of Shelby, North Carolina, for one, is determined to share the love of Jesus with these children by doing her part. As the processing center in…