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Animales, agricultura y sustento

Del jardín al reino

From Garden to Kingdom Little seeds Buried in freshly turned earth Watered, encouraged Spring from darkness to light A miracle Tended, nurtured The plants grow green and strong Blossoming Flourishing seeds Now producing their fruit Ripened, harvested, washed Hungry? Ready to eat! Or prepared for market Sold—Joy! Income yields health Blessings Gospel seeds Hearts open to…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Offering Clean Water in Jesus’ Name

Offering Clean Water in Jesus' Name Give Clean Water Samaritan’s Purse thanks God for the many lives transformed as we provide clean water and share the Good News of Jesus Christ across the globe. From refugee camps in South Sudan to impoverished villages in the Philippines, people must have clean water in order to survive. That's why…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Corazones que sanaron juntos

A young Bolivian mother was introduced to Children’s Heart Project, a medical ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, when her young daughter was in critical need of medical attention. Fatima Ramos Cardozo and her daughter, Maria, suffer from the same heart disease: atrial septal defect, a heart defect in which there is a hole in the heart’s…

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Animales, agricultura y sustento

Semillas de amor y esperanza

Jean Tisu was finally able to walk in peace as he strolled the rows of beautiful cabbages in his high rubber boots. “The life of a displaced person due to war is not good at all,” Jean said. “We were chased away from our homes. When we arrived here, we had a hard life.” Jean…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Satisfacer las necesidades y sembrar las semillas del Evangelio en Sudán del Sur

Meeting Needs and Sowing Gospel Seeds in South Sudan Provide Medical Care Helping Food and Water Help Improve Livelihoods Care for Victims of Trauma Provide Literacy Training Provide Leadership Training Helping  in Jesus' Name Samaritan’s Purse is helping people recently displaced by violence, and many others, as we meet urgent needs across the country. There would be no breakfast…

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“This Is God’s Mercy Flight”

On Sunday, May 15, our DC-8 cargo jet left Poland on a special mission to bring 28 Ukrainian refugees to Toronto where they will be able to reunite with family, friends, and other sponsors arranged by Samaritan’s Purse. These families fled from the horror of the conflict continuing to rage inside Ukraine, and they are…

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Proyectos de construcción

A punto de terminar la construcción de la iglesia de Koyuk, Alaska

Freezing and thawing had torn apart the church building’s foundation. Part of the ceiling was collapsing. There were gaps in the floor. It took at least a day—usually longer—to heat the building, at significant cost, so midweek events were held elsewhere. On winter Sundays, even with the heat on, it was sometimes still so cold…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Ayudamos a prevenir el tráfico y el abuso de niños en Vietnam

Samaritan’s Purse recently taught sexual abuse prevention to children, ages 12 to 16, at six secondary schools in Lao Cai province, located along Vietnam’s northern border. With sex trafficking common in this area, boys and girls were grateful for the resources to learn how to guard against harm. During this training, a student named Quang*…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Hearts Healed, Lives Transformed: Bat-Ulzii’s Story

Hearts HealedLives Transformed A Pastor in Mongolia Receives Two Lifesaving Heart Surgeries Bat-Ulzii had never heard about God until he benefited from Children’s Heart Project as a teenager. Now, he is discipling young adults in their faith. Bat-Ulzii tended to be an angry child who was often bullied, because he was physically weaker than other…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Abriendo los ojos de los ciegos

William remembers very clearly the day three years ago that he began to lose his sight. While he can’t tell you what kind of insects they were, he recalls the searing pain of the stinging swarm that targeted his eyes that day. As the swelling subsided, another symptom developed—the world seemed to take on a…

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