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Samaritan’s Purse Responds to Hurricane Ian

SAMARITAN’S PURSE RESPONDS TO HURRICANE IAN; TWO DISASTER RELIEF UNITS AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT DEPARTS TOMORROW BOONE, N.C., Sept. 28, 2022—Samaritan's Purse is mobilizing disaster response specialists and tractor-trailers packed with relief equipment to areas currently being ravaged by Hurricane Ian. The international Christian relief organization will continue to closely track the storm and work with…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Programa para aprendices

“The Apprenticeship Program taught me about selfless service, team unity, and expanding the Kingdom.” Madeline Chilton Texas A&M University, Non-Profit Management Program Management Discover the Apprenticeship Program The Apprenticeship Program equips participants with the needed skills and experience to begin a fulfilling career within Samaritan’s Purse, all while offering a full-time salary and benefits. The goal of…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Litein Hospital, Kenya

Litein Hospital Kenya Get Started Mission Organization Africa Inland Mission (AIM)/Africa Inland Church (AIC) Profile Litein Hospital provides primary and specialist care to a catchment population of 800,000 people across six counties in the South Rift region of Kenya. The hospital has 220 beds and a 10-bed casualty. The community of about 450 medical and…

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Edward Graham viaja a las comunidades devastadas por el huracán en Florida

Edward Graham visited southwest Florida Tuesday where Samaritan’s Purse volunteers are working in flooded and wind-damaged communities ripped apart last week by Hurricane Ian. The powerful and deadly Category 4 storm claimed more than 100 lives and damaged thousands of structures, including hundreds of homes, on its destructive path traveling up the coast and across…

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Proyectos de construcción

Un hito para Mekoryuk

It’s never been an easy feat to construct a large building on Nunivak Island, Alaska. It still isn’t. That’s why this year’s work on the new Mekoryuk Covenant Church—which will be completed by Samaritan’s Purse volunteers over four months—is such a milestone for the Native Alaskan community. Before planes, the Bering Sea’s shallow and shifting…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Samaritan’s Purse Responding to Wildfires in California and Oregon

Samaritan’s Purse is responding in California and Oregon as an ongoing rash of deadly fires has engulfed much of the West Coast, killing more than 30 people. Our staff and a Disaster Relief Unit—a tractor trailer filled with relief supplies and equipment—were deployed Sept. 12 from our West Coast Ministry Center in Fullerton, California, to…

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Proyectos de construcción

Primera casa dedicada que Samaritan’s Purse reedifica en Mayfield

Nine months ago, on the evening of Dec. 10, 2021, Tom Woodward sat in his single-wide mobile home, listening to the news about an EF4 Tornado that had set its target on Mayfield, Kentucky. “My son called me and said ‘Are you gonna stay and ride it out or are you gonna come over here…

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Nuestro Ministerio

DART Newsletter April 2024

DART Newsletter Greetings DART Members, Do you remember the WWJD bracelets? If you are an American and were serious about Jesus in the 1990s, you probably wore one. Despite their commercialism, the message they bore—"What Would Jesus Do?”—posed a thoughtful question, which brings to mind a Scripture that has captured my attention. It's the story…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Samaritan’s Purse Responding to Ice Storms in Texas and Oregon

A deadly wave of severe winter weather brought historic snow, ice, and subfreezing temperatures to communities across Texas. Millions of people were left without electricity. Downed trees and power lines remain a serious problem. Many families have suffered major home damage due to frozen water pipes that burst. Some are still struggling with a lack…

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Operation Christmas Child

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is located on the coast of West Africa, next to Liberia and Guinea. In addition to being a gold, diamond, and bauxite mining hub, it is also rich with wildlife. Hippopotamuses and crocodiles (including rare miniature versions of these species) reside in its rivers together with manatees. Large game such as elephants, lions,…

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