Year-round Volunteer: Thinking Locally—and Globally—with Operation Christmas Child
Children’s Ministry
Press Release Operation Christmas Child November 14, 2022
Volunteer Opportunities Available at Operation Christmas Child Processing Centers
This Week: Drop-Off Sites Open for Operation Christmas Child
Shoebox Gifts Encourage Venezuelan Migrants in Colombia
Well more than 2 million Venezuelans have left their nation over the past few years, many fleeing to neighboring Colombia. They’re leaving because the situation in Venezuela is bleak—with runaway inflation, increasing crime, and critical shortages of food and medicine. As the economy collapses, families simply can’t afford to eat. Some Venezuelans go back and…
hasta lo último de la tierra
Shoeboxes Open Doors and Hearts for the Gospel in Liberia
For nearly 25 years a road divided the two sides of Nyiela, a community in western Liberia that had separated itself into Muslim and Christian parts of town. The sides didn’t talk much and they didn’t cross over, not even for clean water or medical care—not even during the Ebola crisis. Tribal conflicts added to…