Operation Christmas Child is a project for all ages! You can get the boys and girls in your family and at your church involved in so many ways… 1. Collect Items & Write Shoebox Notes Helping a child select items for a shoebox gift can teach money management, as well as a greater awareness of…
Celebrando 200 millones de bendiciones
Elizabeth Groff is on a special journey to help pack the 200 millionth Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift since the Samaritan’s Purse project began in 1993. Elizabeth, who received a shoebox gift years ago as a lonely child in an orphanage in Ukraine, is currently traveling to different U.S. drop-off locations and processing centers with…
Los jóvenes tienen un rol vital en el acercamiento de las cajas de regalos de Surinam
Suriname bills itself as the greenest country in the world, boasting forests cover 93 percent of its land. Wherever you turn, from the coastal capital to the dense inland jungle, it’s true that the nation seems to burst forth with innumerable flowers, bushes, vines, and trees. Such vibrancy seems to characterize the Operation Christmas Child…
Operation Christmas Child está llevando la esperanza del Evangelio a 1 000 islas del Pacífico
Rengesuul Yobech sat in the shade of a spacious open-air gymnasium at Peleliu Elementary School in Palau on a sweltering late-February afternoon earlier in 2020 before the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe. The school’s 76 students were assembled there, eager to receive gift-filled shoeboxes at the first Operation Christmas Child festive outreach event to take…
Celebramos 50 millones de niños discipulados
“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). Children are precious to God. The Bible tells us that “children are a gift of the LORD” (Psalm 127:3) and that we are responsible to train them up “in the way [they] should…
Q & A: Gospel Opportunities in Paradise
Meet Ravina Kumar, national discipleship coordinator for Operation Christmas Child in Fiji. She is one of 6,100 people globally who volunteer on National Leadership Teams to guide our efforts in evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication within their respective countries. Read on to learn more about how the ministry is advancing the Gospel in the Pacific through…
Recursos de Operation Christmas Child para los medios
Operation Christmas Child 2024-25 Report
Ofrecemos las Buenas Nuevas y Gran Gozo en Perú
Lima, Peru—a city 10 million people call home—is a vibrant place of ministry for Operation Christmas Child. Decades of Samaritan’s Purse outreach events in this South American country have already enabled 5 million children to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ—and the work continues. The Peru National Leadership Team, made up of six experienced, passionate…
5 Ideas creativas para empacar cajas de regalos durante COVID-19
A global pandemic isn’t stopping Operation Christmas Child from delivering gift-filled shoeboxes to boys and girls in the far corners of the world. Children need hope now more than ever in such uncertain times, and these tangible expressions of God’s love can be a great encouragement. Most important, children need to hear the Good News…