Twin sisters Leabele McLeod and Laralea McLaughlin grew up in a poor family that struggled to make ends meet. They were so thankful any time a friend or neighbor offered them food or other essentials. Now, at age 88, Leabele and Laralea are giving back to children growing up in difficult situations. The sisters have…
Una caja de regalo de Operation Christmas Child dio esperanza a un huérfano en Honduras
Yuri Lopez grew up in 14 different orphanages in Honduras, after being separated from her family when she was 2 years old. Her life seemed hopeless. But when she was 6, Yuri received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift and “experienced hope for the very first time,” she said. “Everything in my shoebox was special,”…
Volunteers Know ‘Each Shoebox Is a Missionary’
When Carol and Pat Nelson volunteer with Operation Christmas Child, they know first-hand how much each gift can mean. Twelve years ago, the Nelsons packed their first shoebox for Operation Christmas Child and sent it off with a letter and a picture. Seven months later, they received a thank-you letter written in French from a…
Press Release Operation Christmas Child January 01-25-23
Samaritan’s Purse Celebrates 11.9 Million+ Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gifts
Trail Life USA & Operation Christmas Child
Families Learn About Jesus Together in Mexico
As children around the world receive Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts and are invited to learn more about Jesus Christ through The Greatest Journey discipleship program, many parents are curious to find out what their children are learning. This is especially true if the adults themselves know little about Him. Soon, whole families are studying…
Recursos para medios de comunicación
Nueve niños en vuelo especial a casa en Mongolia, después de cirugía de corazón que salvó sus vidas
Nine mothers, along with their nine children, boarded the Samaritan’s Purse DC-8 aircraft this morning in Greensboro, North Carolina, happy to be heading home to Mongolia after spending the last several months in North America. They came as part of our Children’s Heart Project to correct congenital heart defects in their little ones. Most came…