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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Military Couples Begin New Chapter in Alaska

Terror, violence, and death weren’t supposed to follow him home. Army Staff Sergeant Josh Abbatoye thought he’d left war on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan. Throughout multiple deployments in a 17-year military career he’d survived eight traumatic brain injuries, five improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and a rocket-propelled grenade that left shrapnel stuck in his…

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Wounded Veterans and Their Spouses Discover Hope in Christ

The metal bracelet on Army Sergeant Justin Gallagher’s wrist, light as it was, had weighed on him for years. It was “like an anchor,” he said, because he had returned home from Iraq and three of his friends had not. Just before Christmas 2006, during operations in Fallujah, Iraq, a bomb detonated near two of…

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Operation Christmas Child

Build a Shoebox NYC

Build a ShoeboxNewYrkCity Join fellow New Yorkers to build shoeboxes online! Find a goal page on the list or create your own ! Create a Goal Page Total Shoeboxes Packed 1391 Build a Shoebox With: Packed Goal New York City 54 000 All Nations Apostolic Tabernacle 6 50 BCCC OCC Goal Page 104 120 Bethany Build…

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Edward Graham Volunteers in Louisiana with Team Patriot

Edward Graham traveled this week to southwest Louisiana to encourage Samaritan’s Purse teams as they come alongside hurting homeowners. Many communities in the Bayou State are still struggling to recover after powerful hurricanes pummeled the area in recent months. Hurricane Delta slammed ashore as a Category 2 storm in early October and hit just a…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

2021 Marks Ten Years of Ministry to Military Couples

This summer marks the 10th season of Operation Heal Our Patriots, a program started by Samaritan’s Purse in 2012 to strengthen the marriages of America’s heroes. Wounded military veterans and their spouses come to Samaritan Lodge Alaska where they participate in Biblically based marriage enrichment classes and enjoy excursions into the pristine wilderness of Lake…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Operation Heal Our Patriots Starts Summer Season in Alaska

The 10th season of Operation Heal Our Patriots began Memorial Day weekend as we welcomed the first planeloads of wounded veterans and their spouses to Samaritan Lodge Alaska. The couples will participate in a week of relationship building through chaplain-led marriage classes as well as excursions such as fishing, hiking, kayaking, and wildlife viewing. On…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Veterans Day 2018: Operation Heal Our Patriots Refreshes Military Couples

When Army Sergeant Larry Kaibetoney and his wife Chani touched down at Samaritan Lodge Alaska this summer, it was the first time either of them had been welcomed by an American flag-waving crowd. “When we landed and there were all these people here who came out to meet us, I felt energized. I felt welcome.…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Operation Heal Our Patriots empieza su nueva temporada de verano

May 27 Update: Ten wounded military personnel and their spouses arrived at Samaritan Lodge Alaska on Sunday, May 26. These first couples of the season are already going through Biblically based marriage training and enjoying wilderness excursions. One husband and wife received the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior on Sunday night. On Memorial Day, the…

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Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child (Chinese)

Operation Christmas Child Operation Christmas Child 由像你一樣的人們共同參與,將裝滿禮物並精心包裝的禮物盒送給世界各地的 貧困孩童。透過遍布 100 多個國家的教會,我們分享耶穌基督的永恆盼望, 同時通過這份有形的禮物,向孩童及其家人傳遞上帝的愛。 許多收到禮物盒的孩童也參加了我們的 12 堂門徒訓練課程: 最偉大的旅程 (The Greatest Journey)。他們在課程中學習跟隨耶穌, 並將祂的故事傳頌出去。 如 何 準 備 禮 盒 當 您 以 虔 誠 的 心 準 備 包 裝 禮 物 時 … 請 記 住 , 您 的 禮盒 可 能 是 孩 子 收 過 的 唯…

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Franklin Graham

Newsletter May 2024

Franklin Graham Update | May Franklin Graham Update | May Tornado Reliefin America's Heartland Dear Friend, Waves of killer storms recently tore across the Great Plains, and Samaritan's Purse has been busy in six states cleaning up damage, making emergency repairs, and comforting survivors in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Hundreds of homes were destroyed in the Oklahoma towns of…

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