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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Ayudamos a prevenir el tráfico y el abuso de niños en Vietnam

Samaritan’s Purse recently taught sexual abuse prevention to children, ages 12 to 16, at six secondary schools in Lao Cai province, located along Vietnam’s northern border. With sex trafficking common in this area, boys and girls were grateful for the resources to learn how to guard against harm. During this training, a student named Quang*…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Hearts Healed, Lives Transformed: Bat-Ulzii’s Story

Hearts HealedLives Transformed A Pastor in Mongolia Receives Two Lifesaving Heart Surgeries Bat-Ulzii had never heard about God until he benefited from Children’s Heart Project as a teenager. Now, he is discipling young adults in their faith. Bat-Ulzii tended to be an angry child who was often bullied, because he was physically weaker than other…

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Operation Christmas Child

Fotos de "La Gran Aventura"

The Greatest Journey These photographs are available for news media outlet use in coverage of Samaritan's Purse-related stories. If your news outlet uses a photograph, please credit: "Courtesy of Samaritan's Purse." These photographs are not for commercial use. These children in Fiji read The Greatest Gift Gospel booklets while attending an Operation Christmas Child outreach event…

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Ministerio de Salud y Medicina

Abriendo los ojos de los ciegos

William remembers very clearly the day three years ago that he began to lose his sight. While he can’t tell you what kind of insects they were, he recalls the searing pain of the stinging swarm that targeted his eyes that day. As the swelling subsided, another symptom developed—the world seemed to take on a…

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Programas de Mujeres

La Historia de Hope: Difundiendo el Evangelio a través de entrenamientos de negocios.

Hope didn’t need to join the Ladies of Hope savings group in Nabuti, Uganda. She holds a bachelor’s degree in music and early childhood education, and her husband is a successful lawyer and a worship leader at their church. But when Hope learned about the savings group started by Samaritan’s Purse to help women in…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

La restauración de un hogar en Ucrania

How do you make a house a home without its roof and windows? One Ukrainian family no longer has to worry, thanks to repairs provided by Samaritan’s Purse and our local partners. Katerina* and her two children, Ionna*, 14, and Denys*, 8, are grateful to be in their home again, even in a country still…

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Operation Christmas Child

Pequeña niña se convierte a la fe y su familia la sigue

When Athena was 8 years old, she received a gift-filled shoebox through Operation Christmas Child. Living in an impoverished area of the Philippines, the young girl had never received such a present. Athena began to learn about how much God loves her when she read The Greatest Gift, a Gospel story booklet Samaritan’s Purse developed…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Franklin Graham – Bibliography

Franklin Graham has written several best-selling books, including The Name (2002), Living Beyond the Limits (1998), and his autobiography, Rebel With a Cause (1995). His latest book is Through My Father's Eyes (with Donna Lee Toney in 2018), the first book about Billy Graham, the father, written from the perspective of a son who knew…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Parejas de veteranos encuentran renovación espiritual en Alaska

The last thing Natalie heard was a mortar round exploding and her husband shouting, “We’re taking incoming.” Then, the phone line went dead. Natalie wondered if that was the last time she’d hear his voice. Natalie endured many restless days and nights while her husband, Army Sergeant Eddie Shanks, was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010.…

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Quemando viejas cargas y ofreciendo un nuevo comienzo a una pareja de Marinos

Marine Corporal Tim Read had just knocked out a couple miles of hiking and a steep descent to the falls of the Tanalian River—on one leg. “That was the fastest I’ve hiked in a long time,” he said. Then, he knelt on the banks, his left prosthetic leg digging into the sand, as he scraped…

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