Today (Nov. 19) is Mason Mulligan’s 18th birthday. Like many, he plans to celebrate by enjoying family, friends, and good food. He also wants to make the day special by giving to others. With the help of friends and family, he packed 77 Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes in honor of his milestone year. This would…
Shoebox Gifts Protected in the Storms
When Hurricane Laura threatened Louisiana at the end of August, and again when Hurricane Delta came only a few weeks later, Lula Singletary and her daughter, Kathy Guidry, prayed for God’s protection as they evacuated their neighboring homes in Woodlawn. This community near the town of Jennings endured wind gusts of more than 165 mph,…
Press Release Operation Christmas Child December 12-15-20
Espectáculo de Luces Navideñas apoya a Operation Christmas Child
Doug Chester and his family in Granite Falls, North Carolina, bring Christmas joy to their community each year through a festive light show on their property. When people started to give money to help with the display, Doug decided that he wanted the donations to go to Operation Christmas Child. So, he created a cheerful,…
Las Buenas Nuevas florecen en África Occidental
Johnjames left his home in Nigeria to serve as a missionary in Gambia, a nearby West African nation, in January 2020. He brought with him his 5-year-old son, Unique, while his wife and newborn son planned to join them a couple months later. Due to the global pandemic, however, those travel plans were thwarted. Undaunted,…
Press Release Operation Christmas Child January 01-13-21
Isla sin electricidad, ni aeropuerto, recibe cajas de regalos
The small island of Enubirr has no electrical power and no airport. Located in the central Pacific between the Philippines and Hawaii, Enubirr is part of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and home to just over 1,000 people. Most residents work on the neighboring island of Roi-Namur, which is leased to the U.S. government…