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Operation Christmas Child

Gráficos sociales

Social Graphics With the following resources, it’s easy to help spread the word about Operation Christmas Child on social media. Download your favorites and start sharing today! Shoebox Items ⇣Download Banners Infographics ⇣Download Banners Build a Shoebox Online ⇣Download Banners Why $10? ⇣Download Banners Gift Suggestions ⇣Download Banners Item of the Month ⇣Download Banners Greatest…

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Operation Christmas Child

La Gran Aventura empezó a unir una familia para Cristo

The Greatest Journey Begins to Draw a Family to Christ Many prayers and a lesson about Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection prompted a hostile father to become a “man of peace.” Facebook Twitter email Aunt Ilsa* is much loved by her village nestled in the mountains of Central Asia. This 60-year-old retired teacher operates an educational…

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Beneficiaria de caja de regalos ayuda a dueños de casas afectadas en Louisiana

Karina knows what it’s like to receive an unexpected gift from strangers. One year around Christmastime, a pre-teen Karina and her seven siblings were surprised to see stacks of colorful shoeboxes ready to be distributed to children at their church. Her large family was used to sharing what possessions they had and celebrating Christmas without…

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Operation Christmas Child

Opciones de etiquetas para cajas

Shoebox Label Options To make sure your shoebox gift gets to a child of the right gender and age, Samaritan’s Purse offers some different label options. Labels also offer a way for you to give the necessary $10 donation per shoebox to provide for collection, processing, shipping, and other project costs. If you donate online…

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Operation Christmas Child

Gergana y un juego de malabares

Gergana and a Juggling Set It still holds a special place in my heart and reminds me of God’s love. The set of colorful bean bags that I keep on display in my living room brings me joy every time I see it, reminding me of the shoebox gift I received in Bulgaria when I…

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Operation Christmas Child

Karabo y el peine

Karabo and a Comb It was the beginning of me reopening my heart … and entrusting it to Christ. I still carry a brown comb in my pocket that I received in an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift when I was 11. It’s more than just a practical help, it reassures me of God’s faithfulness…

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Operation Christmas Child

5 Ideas creativas para empacar cajas de regalos

Shoebox season is here! As you pray about how your shoebox can bring great joy and the Good News of Jesus Christ to boys and girls in need, take a moment to check out our short list of innovative packing ideas. If you implement one or more of these suggestions and choose quality gifts, then…

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Operation Christmas Child

Empacar una caja "hará que tu corazón se sienta bien"

Retirement eagerly waited to welcome Sallie Simmons. She’d soon turn 65 and all the years of hard work would be behind her. Yet, one day, Sallie had an encounter with God that changed the direction of her life. “I was on my way home, driving a brand-new car. But I thought, ‘I’m not doing what…

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Operation Christmas Child

De un niño a otro

Operation Christmas Child is a project for all ages! You can get the boys and girls in your family and at your church involved in so many ways… 1. Collect Items & Write Shoebox Notes Helping a child select items for a shoebox gift can teach money management, as well as a greater awareness of…

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Operation Christmas Child

Abriendo ojos y oídos en Ecuador

Nestled in the mountains of the Pichincha province of Ecuador, Pastor Segundo Santacruz leads a large church that meets in a very small building. “Amor a la Vida” (Love for Life), as the congregation is called, reaches out to the Quechua community around them in a variety of creative ways. They provide food for their…

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