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Operation Christmas Child

Pastores jóvenes de Asia Central reciben cajas de regalos

A simple drive through the countryside can become something special. Yusif*, a volunteer leader in Central Asia with Operation Christmas Child, was traveling with several team members to a ministry meeting when he spotted two shepherd boys tending their flock near the highway. Remembering that he had some gift-filled shoeboxes as well as copies of…

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Operation Christmas Child

Puertas se abren para el Evangelio entre los saramacanos

Romario grew up in the riverside village of Duatra, deep in the jungle of Suriname, along the eastern coast of South America. As a young child, he knew nothing of Jesus Christ, and there was no church for him to visit. Yet his thoughts kept returning to the idea that there must be a God…

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Operation Christmas Child

Atención compradores de cajas de regalos

As back-to-school items are placed front-and-center in stores this time of year, many Operation Christmas Child year-round shoppers are rolling up their sleeves to find great deals. School supplies are a fundamental component of quality shoebox gifts. In addition to capitalizing on seasonal sales and off-season clearance merchandise, shopping year-round divides shoebox purchases over several…

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Operation Christmas Child

Los marineros enfrentan mares difíciles para llevar cajas de regalos en el Pacífico

A team of seven recently set sail on a 57-foot boat named Cloud Nine with cartons of Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts on board. Their destination? An isolated part of Kwajalein Atoll. Home to some 11,000 people scattered across 100 small islands, Kwajalein Atoll is a part of the Marshall Islands, a nation located in…

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Operation Christmas Child

Los niños escuchan en Benín el Evangelio por medio de una sencilla caja de regalos

Nine-year-old Gladys flashed a big smile as she recounted the day she received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift. The special items inside included a blanket folded neatly and arranged amid school supplies, a flashlight that her father needed, and other cherished items. Opening the shoebox gift was like opening up a new chapter of…

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Operation Christmas Child

La calidad importa

Quality items in Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts can be the gifts that keep on giving, as children grow up with lasting treasures that sometimes mean even more to them over time. Here are some examples of quality items and reasons they’re important to include: Quality items can become life-long keepsakes. Some shoebox items are…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Empujando hasta el límite – por una buena causa

Matt and Jessica Cook stood satisfied at the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro staring out at a carpet of clouds hovering nearly two miles below them. The father-daughter duo from Cuba, Missouri, had reached Africa’s highest peak—19,341 feet above sea level—after an almost weeklong test of strength and endurance. With a love for Samaritan’s Purse and…

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Franklin Graham

Newsletter September

Franklin Graham Update | September Preparing War-Weary Ukrainiansfor a Harsh Winter Preparing War-Weary Ukrainiansfor a Harsh Winter Dear Friend, Winter comes early in Eastern Europe, and it looks like it will be a harsh one for the people of Ukraine. After six months of war, millions are living in badly damaged houses without power or running water as they…

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Nuestro Ministerio

Franklin Graham Hands Out Shoebox Gifts, Meets Children’s Heart Project Families in Mongolia

Franklin Graham spent a whirlwind weekend in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, as he met with children and families who have benefited from Samaritan’s Purse Children’s Heart Project and later gave out Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. On Friday, he enjoyed song and dance performances by Mongolian girls and boys who have received critically needed cardiac surgery through…

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Operation Christmas Child

Shoebox Gifts Open Gospel Doors Among Benin’s Unreached Peoples

Ogouleroun was quick with a big smile on that Sunday morning, singing joyfully near the back opening of the rough-built church in a field donated by the village chief. The wooden structure was roofed with dried palm fronds, and Ogouleroun’s hands touched that roof as he worshipped. His tall stature stood out among the other…

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