The boys and girls knew to quickly pick up their chairs and scoot to the side, clearing the narrow alleyway anytime a bicycle or motorbike needed to squeeze through. These interruptions to the discipleship class happened often enough that they had become normal, and the children and their teachers carried on with worship and Bible…
El poder de una caja de regalos empacada con amor y oración
Ivanna Ramos was looking for a miracle. Ivanna, 12, lives with her single mother and three siblings down a dusty dirt road on the island of Roatán, Honduras. Her father left the family years ago, after lots of “arguments and fighting,” she said. “We always had problems for no reason.” The conflicts and her dad’s…
Llevamos esperanza a Acapulco
“I walked into the end of the world. That’s what it felt like. I was just paralyzed,” Pastor Hassan Villegas of Acapulco said. “Hope was drained out of me. I was overwhelmed. I didn’t know where to start.” Pastor Villegas is one of the hundreds of thousands of residents who survived the Oct. 25 storm,…
Señalamos a los niños a Jesús en Eslovaquia
Katarina Horvathova used to live a nomadic life. But while she and her son, Daniel, lived in a shelter for a number of years, Daniel had the privilege of receiving a gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift. His 8-year-old heart delighted in the toy airplane he found inside because he wanted to become a pilot…
La edad no es obstáculo para empacar cajas de regalos
Leila Mae Cummings’ favorite activity is to pack Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. This 98-year-old resident of Greensboro, North Carolina, packed hundreds of them this year because she has a heart for children and hard work. “Growing up on the farm, I can’t ever remember a time when I didn’t have a job to do,”…
A Kite in a Shoebox Gift
Franklin Graham motiva a los voluntarios del centro de procesamiento de Charlotte
As the Christmas season kicks off, Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham dropped in to greet volunteers at the Operation Christmas Child shoebox processing center in Charlotte. Watch the video above to see his visit on Nov. 24, the day after Thanksgiving
Newsletter December 2023
Franklin Graham dedica nuevo centro en el Midwest
Today, Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham welcomed hundreds of guests to our Midwest Ministry Center in Aurora, Illinois, to dedicate the new property to the Lord’s service. The 116,000 square-foot facility will serve as a staging area for our disaster relief operations in the region while also housing a permanent Operation Christmas Child processing center.…