Lima, Peru—a city 10 million people call home—is a vibrant place of ministry for Operation Christmas Child. Decades of Samaritan’s Purse outreach events in this South American country have already enabled 5 million children to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ—and the work continues. The Peru National Leadership Team, made up of six experienced, passionate…
Operation Christmas Child Latino Night
El registro para voluntarios en los centros de procesamiento ¡ya comenzó!
Thank you for your interest in serving at an Operation Christmas Child Processing Center. New registration dates for all processing centers have been released. All registration begins at 8 a.m. local time according to the respective processing center site. Public Registration Begins: Oct. 22: Baltimore area, Maryland; Dallas/Ft. Worth area, Texas Oct. 23: Atlanta area,…
Great Joy in Mexico’s Jungles
Las Tres Huastecas region, along the Gulf Coast in Mexico, is hard to reach and isolated from much of the country. Many residents still speak the native language, Nahuatl, and worship indigenous idols. The few churches that preach the Gospel here are met with disdain and uncertainty. Earlier this year, however, at a small school…
Las flores se convierten en bendiciones por medio de Samaritan’s Purse
Jaci Snowden loves flowers. “Flowers make me feel close to God,” Jaci said as she cut colorful zinnias in her backyard garden for a bouquet. “They are His wonderful masterpieces created in Christ Jesus for a purpose.” For 10-year-old Jaci, part of that purpose is to grow beautiful flowers, arrange them into delightful bouquets, and…
Building up the Church Worldwide
Un Padre en el cielo
Claudia Molina has helped pack hundreds of shoebox gifts in her time as a project leader for Operation Christmas Child, and with each box, her prayer remains the same: that God would use each gift to touch a child’s heart, just as He did hers. As a little girl in the central neighborhood of San…
Ayudamos a los propietarios tras la inundación en España
Our Disaster Assistance Response Team is hard at work in eastern Spain after the region received over a foot of rain on October 29, causing the Magro and Turia river basins and the Poyo canal to overflow. The flash flooding claimed the lives of over 200 people and an unknown number are still missing. As…
Empacadores de cajas de regalos pasan de la devastación a la celebración
She peered through a busted window into the church basement and saw that floodwaters from Hurricane Helene had left a muddy mess. The Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift items that First Baptist Church of Damascus, Virginia, had collected during the year were now wet and filthy. Jaz, age 11, saw something that gave her hope—a…
Los adoradores de ídolos se convierten en evangelistas a través de Operation Christmas Child
The danger zone. That’s what people called a community in Nigeria whose people pledged allegiance to witchcraft and idolatry. For years, Pastor Peter* had sowed Gospel seeds in this difficult area but, it seemed, with little effect. A fledgling church existed, though it struggled. That all changed, however, when he partnered with Operation Christmas Child…