Samaritan’s Purse – Give a Year-End Gift
"La Gran Aventura" en EE.UU.
Evangelismo. Discipulado. Multiplicación.
Voluntarios en Centros de Recolección
Regalos de Operation Christmas Child ayudan a construir una iglesia en Tanzania
The bike ride through the path of deep sand to Kitomondo takes Pastor Marco Kayumbo more than two hours to negotiate. He prays and sings to pass the time. Kitomondo is a rural community outside Tanzania’s largest city of Dar es Salaam, and it’s where Pastor Marco started a church almost two years ago. It…
Welcome TBN Viewers: Samaritan’s Purse – Helping in Jesus’ Name
Franklin Graham Reflects on 25 Years of Sharing God’s Love Through Shoebox Gifts Delivered to the Ends of the Earth
Since 1993, Samaritan’s Purse has partnered with local churches around the world to deliver 157 million Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to children in need in 160 countries. Each one—packed full of fun toys, school supplies, and hygiene items by a family or individual—is sent with prayer that the child who receives it will experience…
Church Engagement
Christian School Challenge 2024
Una Biblia especial, dentro de una caja de regalos, llega a una remota aldea del Pacífico
Alex and his parents regularly attended meetings of a local cult for years in their remote village of the Philippines. But, we praise God that last year he heard and received the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the outreach of Operation Christmas Child. Toti Ramos, the pastor of one of our partner churches from a…