Fact Sheet: Operation Christmas Child
Volunteer Perseveres in Leadership Despite Challenges
After spending 24 years as a special agent in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Kathy Aiken found a different calling. Today, Kathy serves as an area coordinator for the Operation Christmas Child East Alabama Area Team. Based out of Talladega County, Kathy leads a team of volunteers that promote shoebox packing year-round. “I feel like…
Presentando Operation Christmas Child a las iglesias
Mary Johnson serves as the church relations coordinator for the Greater Petersburg, Virginia, Area Team. This group of volunteers is responsible for promoting and coordinating shoebox packing efforts in five counties just south of Richmond. “I think our key role for this area is our black churches,” Mary said. “Our job is to get in…
Franklin Graham entrega cajas en Saipán y Guam
Feb. 22-23 UPDATE Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham and his wife Jane, along with musical artist Michael W. Smith, traveled to Guam on Saturday, Feb. 22, to help hand out gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes at Life in the Son Christian Fellowship in Tamuning. The day before the trio assisted in distributing shoeboxes on nearby…
You, Too, Can Become a Year-Round Volunteer!
Have you ever considered getting more involved with Operation Christmas Child? It’s not just a holiday ministry—more than 9,000 people across the United States volunteer year-round with this Samaritan’s Purse project! They serve in roles ranging from area leadership to logistics to community relations to church relations. LEARN MORE ABOUT SERVING AS A YEAR-ROUND VOLUNTEER…
Missouri Volunteer Motivated by Jesus’ Last Words
Springfield area resident fulfills dream to reach children for Christ through Operation Christmas Child. Jill Cobb of Mountain View, Missouri, does what she does because she’s focused on Christ’s final words on earth, which begin: “Go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19, NKJV). She volunteers as an area coordinator for Operation Christmas…
Building Church Partners
Dally Quintana serves as the church relations coordinator in Chicago, where she leads a team of volunteers to promote Operation Christmas Child among their congregations. Dally and her husband, Hector, began volunteering with Operation Christmas Child in 2012 and have packed shoeboxes for over 17 years. They started out as project leaders in their church,…
Voluntario ayuda a las iglesias de cultura texana a hacer un impacto global
Growing up in a small, rural Texas town, Kyle Brown never thought he would be in a position to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Yet, serving as a year-round logistics volunteer with Operation Christmas Child has provided Kyle that opportunity as he helps lead White Rock Christian Fellowship to share…
Evangelism Is Her Passion
Deborah Warner serves as chaplain—as well as school nurse and music teacher for third and fourth graders—at Florida Christian School (FCS) in Miami. In addition to serving as the Operation Christmas Child project leader at her school, she also volunteers year-round as a prayer mobilization coordinator. As the 1,100 students of FCS packed 1,331 shoeboxes…
Pensando local y globalmente con Operation Christmas Child
Ben Smith knows the power of a good story and the difference it can make in people’s lives. Hearing stories about how Operation Christmas Child helped bring the Gospel to children around the world fueled his involvement in the Samaritan’s Purse project from the very beginning. As a child, he packed shoebox gifts with his…