Ministerios Hispanos
Las flores se convierten en bendiciones por medio de Samaritan’s Purse
Jaci Snowden loves flowers. “Flowers make me feel close to God,” Jaci said as she cut colorful zinnias in her backyard garden for a bouquet. “They are His wonderful masterpieces created in Christ Jesus for a purpose.” For 10-year-old Jaci, part of that purpose is to grow beautiful flowers, arrange them into delightful bouquets, and…
On the Ground Podcast Linktree
Venezuelan Migrants Welcomed at Samaritan’s Purse Shelter in Colombia
Each day, hundreds of people flee from Venezuela crossing into Cucuta, Colombia. Many of them have no plans to return home; instead they’ve chosen to leave behind their nation’s economic collapse and take their chances on starting a new life in a new country. Some of these men and women become los caminantes, or “the…
Samaritan’s Purse Continues To Help Migrants and Ministry Partners at US-Mexico Border
Many migrants are exhausted from travel in the heat, and they arrive at the Texas-Mexico border in need of rest, a shower, clean clothes, and a hot meal. Many have traveled for days or weeks from South America and even from as far away as West Africa. Both our North American Ministries staff and volunteers…
Hungering for More
El camino a un nuevo corazón
If you’d seen Francis play with his friends in the early days of his illness, he would have seemed like many other little boys living in Uganda. He loved airplanes, admired Spider-Man, and was known to be a little stubborn—a trait he got away with by making those around him laugh. But there was something…
Family Resources
Focus on the Family Our friends at Focus on the Family put together this video about one family’s tradition of packing shoebox gifts with Operation Christmas Child. How can you start a shoebox tradition with your own family? Explore our resources below! 7 Ideas for Family Impact Pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child…
Almas de hierro y corazones tiernos
Can the significance of one human life be measured? How great is its value? One of the recurring themes throughout the 33rd Prescription for Renewal conference was the inherent, God-endowed worth and dignity of every person—from children developing in their mothers’ wombs to the social outcasts to the physically needy trapped in the ditches of…
Marine jubilado sirve con equipo Patriot en St. Louis
Their mission that day in St. Louis was to save a condemned home where mold had taken over. The owner and her 85-year-old mother were still residing inside, breathing noxious spores. “I really can’t believe they were living in that,” said Brad Chandler, who was serving as a volunteer with Team Patriot, a Samaritan’s Purse…