A simple drive through the countryside can become something special. Yusif*, a volunteer leader in Central Asia with Operation Christmas Child, was traveling with several team members to a ministry meeting when he spotted two shepherd boys tending their flock near the highway. Remembering that he had some gift-filled shoeboxes as well as copies of…
Elizabeth and a Stuffed Animal
5 Ideas creativas para empacar cajas de regalos durante COVID-19
A global pandemic isn’t stopping Operation Christmas Child from delivering gift-filled shoeboxes to boys and girls in the far corners of the world. Children need hope now more than ever in such uncertain times, and these tangible expressions of God’s love can be a great encouragement. Most important, children need to hear the Good News…
Empujando hasta el límite – por una buena causa
Matt and Jessica Cook stood satisfied at the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro staring out at a carpet of clouds hovering nearly two miles below them. The father-daughter duo from Cuba, Missouri, had reached Africa’s highest peak—19,341 feet above sea level—after an almost weeklong test of strength and endurance. With a love for Samaritan’s Purse and…
Un Padre en el cielo
Claudia Molina has helped pack hundreds of shoebox gifts in her time as a project leader for Operation Christmas Child, and with each box, her prayer remains the same: that God would use each gift to touch a child’s heart, just as He did hers. As a little girl in the central neighborhood of San…
Recursos para imprimir
Thanking God for Military Couples Saved in Alaska
On the eve of the 17th anniversary of 9/11, ten U.S. military couples gathered by the glacial waters of Lake Clark to spend a restorative week (Sept. 2-8) in the Alaskan bush for the penultimate session of Operation Heal Our Patriots 2018. And much like the nearly 140 couples that had already come to Samaritan…
Andar en sus zapatos
Adriana knew she had to leave Venezuela when one of her sons was so weak from going without food that he didn’t have the energy to get out of bed. He was so pale and motionless that she thought he might be dead. Then, he blinked but stared ahead with a glazed expression that sent…
2022 Mid-Year Impact Report
Una madre refugiada entreteje una nueva vida en Sudán del Sur
Mary focuses deeply as she makes another attempt at stitching a straight line across a long strip of fabric. This is her third week in a Samaritan’s Purse tailoring class at a local church in the town of Mankien, South Sudan. Each week for five weeks she kisses her children and leaves early in the…