Marine Sergeant Austin Dickinson and his wife, Cass, an Air Force Senior Airman, stood just out of reach of the thundering waterfall where they had hiked—from the boat to the remote pebbled shore of Alaska’s Lake Clark and up the trail lined with devil’s club to the cove where the water gushed from a high…
¡Jaque mate!
While preparing for a mission trip to El Salvador, Dr. Heidi Moore prayed fervently that God would use her skills to minister to the children she would encounter there. Sure, the pediatrician knew she could impact lives through her medical expertise. And speaking Spanish—at least the basics—was also a bonus. But she never imagined God…
Press Release Franklin Graham dedicates new Samaritan’s Purse airlift response center in Greensboro
Samaritan’s Purse Deploys Assessment Team to Tennessee After Deadly Tornadoes
Restauramos la vista en Sudán del Sur
Chiray, 24, walked many hours, guided by a cousin, from his village to Mankien, South Sudan, because he’d heard there were doctors there who could help him to see again. He’d been blind for more than a decade. At 10 years old, Chiray began to lose his sight. For the longest time he’d blamed it…
Franklin Graham’s Message for the National Day of Prayer
From Franklin Graham: On this National Day of Prayer, our country is in a real mess. The greatest need our nation has is for changed hearts. Join me in praying for this country, our leaders—and for hearts to be changed. Take a minute to watch and share this with others. If you would like to…
Dios no olvida a un pueblo en Iowa
Driving through Fire Chief T.J. Oden’s neighborhood was like entering a war zone. Residents paced among the roof shingles and splintered beams. Artifacts of family histories–photographs, books, children’s clothes, and toys–were scattered across lawns and driveways. Large Xs in orange spray paint marked the still-standing houses where rescuers found survivors. Bulldozers were already leveling dilapidated…
Caminar juntos en vida nueva
Army Staff Sergeant Chad Hindal doesn’t talk to many folks about his two deployments to Iraq where he helped protect convoys along roads lined with IEDs and sniper fire. His job was to clear these threats from the desert thoroughfares and provide safe passage for supplies and soldiers. And Chad was eager for the opportunity.…
Construir una nueva vida después de huir de Sudán
Ismail guides his five whining goats to a post where he ties them up. He then walks his garden rows in peace, without fear the beasts will destroy his crops in a hungry frenzy. There is wire fence on three sides of the garden and on a fourth side a tall wall built of large…
Dios obra en un paraíso afligido
“This is something that I’ve never experienced in my 55 years of life,” Lenora shared while looking out over the remnants of her coastal neighborhood. Sweat dripped from her brow as she stood under her battered metal roof. It offered little relief from the heat. A somber confetti of pastel-colored fragments were scattered along the…