Comunicados de prensa de la respuesta en Ucrania
Disaster Assistance Response Team
Pastores se preparan para el ministerio en un Sudán devastado por la guerra
Sudan was enjoying relative peace three years ago when Pastor Damarcus started studying at Theological United Institute in the Nuba Mountains. This spring as he celebrated his graduation with friends and family and 56 fellow graduates, the country is again at war. All will now face the challenges of proclaiming the Gospel in a country…
Hospital Misionero Macha
Nkhoma Mission Hospital, Nkhoma, Malawi
De un niño a otro
Operation Christmas Child is a project for all ages! You can get the boys and girls in your family and at your church involved in so many ways… 1. Collect Items & Write Shoebox Notes Helping a child select items for a shoebox gift can teach money management, as well as a greater awareness of…
Regalos de Operation Christmas Child ayudan a construir una iglesia en Tanzania
The bike ride through the path of deep sand to Kitomondo takes Pastor Marco Kayumbo more than two hours to negotiate. He prays and sings to pass the time. Kitomondo is a rural community outside Tanzania’s largest city of Dar es Salaam, and it’s where Pastor Marco started a church almost two years ago. It…
She Received a Shoebox Gift in Ecuador, Now She’s Giving Them to Others
Diana grew up in Patate, a mountainous region of central Ecuador, in the shadow of the Tungurahua volcano that towers over the province. Her family was poor, so when birthdays and Christmas rolled around each year she would receive well wishes but never a present. Her parents didn’t attend church, but her big sister did.…
Hundreds of Children in the Bahamas Receive Shoebox Gifts at Christmastime
Hundreds of boys and girls received gifts and learned about the hope of the Gospel during a series of Operation Christmas Child shoebox distributions on the island of Grand Bahama, Dec. 27-28. The celebration was a welcome time of joy for the children as the island continues to recover from Hurricane Dorian. Local church partners…
Ofrecemos las Buenas Nuevas y Gran Gozo en Perú
Lima, Peru—a city 10 million people call home—is a vibrant place of ministry for Operation Christmas Child. Decades of Samaritan’s Purse outreach events in this South American country have already enabled 5 million children to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ—and the work continues. The Peru National Leadership Team, made up of six experienced, passionate…