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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

‘By God’s Grace I’m Alive’

She clutched the decorative glass tightly against her chest, closed her eyes, and stood still and silent. Then, the tears came. “Oh, my goodness. This means the world to me. You don’t know what you’ve done for me today,” said Sherry Justice. A Samaritan’s Purse team found the drinkware set that belonged to Sherry’s grandmother…

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Teachers Offer Lesson in Service

Hours after an EF-4 tornado forged a path of destruction through Newnan, Georgia, families awoke to a town unrecognizable. The dawn light revealed damage that stretched for miles—reducing community blocks to piles of splinters and fallen trees. “It was kind of like walking into a war zone: houses gone, people just wandering the streets with…

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Discipulado, educación & entrenamiento

Las parejas militares son motivadas y fortalecidas en Alaska

Day after day, Army Sergeant Russell Gaskins scrambled to take cover from incoming mortar rounds fired into the camp. They’d come at all hours, and, eventually, he’d had enough. “There were times the mortar rounds came in at night and you got knocked out of bed. I just crawled back into bed,” he said. “I…

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Through Faithful Volunteers, God Delivers Hope to Arkansas

In the early days of her retirement, Sarah Rutland was wondering what to do with the rest of her life. So, she did what many retirees do—she went to Florida. But not for the reasons you’d expect. Hurricane Michael had just roared through the Panhandle and she wanted to help. So instead of picking up…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Restaurando sueños después del desastre

“It was my dream but now it’s really a nightmare.” For Victoria, the past three summers living along the Ahr River in western Germany were spent relaxing alongside friends and neighbors, exchanging laughter and homemade baked goods. “This was my dream apartment,” Victoria said. “It was so beautiful to live here…The people here, we all…

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Haiti Earthquake Response Press Kit

Media Resources Media Requests Press Releases Fact Sheets Approved Quotes Photos B-roll Haiti Earthquake Response Samaritan’s Purse is responding in the wake of a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that overwhelmed southern Haiti. The international Christian relief organization deployed an Emergency Field Hospital equipped to provide critical care to trauma patients—complete with a laboratory, pharmacy, and an operating…

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Press Release Emergency Field Hospital Deploys to Southern Haiti 8-17-2021

Samaritan’s Purse Ramps Up Medical Response; Emergency Field Hospital Deploys to Southern Haiti BOONE, N.C., Aug. 17, 2021—Today, at the request of the Haitian government’s Ministry of Health, Samaritan's Purse deployed an Emergency Field Hospital to southern Haiti. The international Christian relief organization sent the trauma hospital—complete with a laboratory, pharmacy, and an operating theatre.…

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Se abre Hospital Móvil de Emergencias en Haití

On Saturday, Aug. 21, Samaritan’s Purse opened an Emergency Field Hospital in Les Cayes, Haiti. The 36-bed unit is helping fill the gap in the local healthcare system after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked the country Aug. 14. The Samaritan’s Purse field hospital is complete with an operating theatre, pharmacy, laboratory, and three patient wards.…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Edward Graham viaja a Louisiana para motivar las familias

Edward Graham traveled to see Samaritan’s Purse work in Louisiana on Labor Day, encouraging local families as they begin to clean up after Hurricane Ida and assuring them that our staff and volunteers are there to help in Jesus’ Name. “This is what Samaritan’s Purse volunteers do all over the world—when there’s disasters, we come…

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Proyecto de Ayuda para Crisis & Desastres

Supliendo aún las necesidades urgentes de Haití a consecuencia del terremoto

Early on a Saturday morning, Dano and his family were outside of their home cleaning up after breakfast. They expected it to be a normal weekend full of cooking, cleaning, and a trip to the market. Instead, their lives abruptly changed. The earth started to shake. What started out as a tremor turned into a…

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