The millions of shoebox gifts packed in 2020 are currently being processed for overseas shipment and will soon be on their way to National Leadership Teams around the globe. These volunteer teams work together with local churches to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children through the distribution of your prayerfully packed shoebox gifts.…
‘The Heavens Were Opened’
Atop a rocky, clay-dirt hill on the outskirts of Cúcuta, Colombia, you can cast your gaze across an invisible border and see beyond the river to the towns of San Antonio and Ureña in Venezuela. Walk down the main road from this humble peak and hang a left. Descend an unreasonably steep but paved slope…
Press Release Samaritan’s Purse Ethiopia Airlift 2-12-2021
A Family’s Life Turns Around Despite Hardships During the Pandemic
Dennis is among many people in the Philippines who have lost their jobs because of the COVID-19 global health crisis. Although his wife was able to keep her position as a sales clerk, the family struggled to make ends meet on just her income. Dennis tried earning money to support his wife and three daughters…
More Than Healthy Teeth and Gums
Emma knew something was amiss when she watched her son repeatedly slap his cheek. Ten-year-old Sylvanus suffered from a variety of health problems, including epileptic seizures, but this was different. Even more challenging, Sylvanus had never learned to speak and could not tell his mother what was wrong. Tears rolled down his face. Finally able…
Beneficiaria de caja de regalos ayuda a dueños de casas afectadas en Louisiana
Karina knows what it’s like to receive an unexpected gift from strangers. One year around Christmastime, a pre-teen Karina and her seven siblings were surprised to see stacks of colorful shoeboxes ready to be distributed to children at their church. Her large family was used to sharing what possessions they had and celebrating Christmas without…
Embracing God’s Strength in Weakness
For many years, the Carbullidos’ combat experiences remained a mystery roiling under the surface of their marriage. Air Force Master Sergeant David Carbullido considered it his duty to lock away those moments into a dark corner of his mind. He thought it was an absolute necessity in order to stay engaged in the work at…
La prevención de enfermedades y el acceso al agua potable van de la mano
Clean water is essential to good health, as it significantly reduces waterborne illnesses and contributes to the overall health of families. Yet, for many communities throughout the world, clean water has never been easily accessible. Through our Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) project, Samaritan’s Purse is providing sustainable access to clean water for communities, homes,…
Las abuelitas felices envían el amor de Dios
Their days often start early and end late, but when you’re doing what you love, the busy days don’t really seem like work at all. “This brings us joy every day. We give every day to God, every part of this ministry,” said Barbara Korn, who is part of the dynamic duo known as “The…
El proyecto de labio leporino celebra 10 años en Sudán del Sur
People in the village told the young mother to toss her newborn daughter into the nearby river. They said both the child and family were cursed and would always be despised. But Dakeech believed her daughter, Nyani, to be a precious gift from God. She refused to end Nyani’s life because she was born with…