Fact Sheet: Emergency Field Hospital
Franklin Graham Photos
#ShoeboxStories 2021
Vladimir and the Toy Car
Newsletter October
Enviando obreros a su cosecha
In Luke 16:10, Jesus made a profound statement to His disciples, “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much.” When He calls His followers to action, the size or significance of the assignment shouldn’t be our main consideration. Obedience is what matters. Drs. Lowell and Richard Furman were running a…
La historia de Elena: Gratitud y alabanza en Polonia
“The war started suddenly,” Elena, a fine arts teacher in Ukraine, said. “I prayed every day, ‘Lord, I trust in You. Give me strength, patience, and humility for this day.’” Soon, she and her daughter fled to Poland to escape the increasing violence. They arrived close to Easter and moved into a hotel that was…
El trayecto de Franklin Graham: de perdido a esparcir esperanza
By Beth Brelje | Originally Published in The Epoch Times May 02, 2024. Updated: May 06, 2024. Used with permission. BOONE, N.C.—A bird is thumping into the window of Rev. Franklin Graham’s office at Samaritan’s Purse international headquarters in Boone, North Carolina. He says it happens every spring, and he doesn’t know why, but this…