Give Mothers Hope

Before Samaritan's Purse came to Aye's remote, impoverished village in Myanmar her daughter was often sick. The young mother didn't know how to cook healthy meals for her toddler and only fed her rice and water.
She also lacked knowledge about proper hygiene, such as handwashing.
But with training from Samaritan's Purse, Aye and her family soon embraced a new, healthy lifestyle. “I learned to feed my child from the different food groups,” she said. “I learned I need to wash my hands before food preparation.”
Samaritan's Purse is working in many countries to give mothers like Aye hope for a better future. We're providing quality obstetric care, building birthing centers, teaching about proper nutrition and breastfeeding, training on healthy hygiene, and delivering supplemental food. And, most importantly, we are demonstrating God's love to women and their families.
This Mother's Day, join us in caring for mothers around the world who are struggling to provide for themselves and their children.
You can also make your gift a double blessing by giving in honor of a special mother or woman in your life. Then both her and a mom in need overseas will know how much you care—and how much God loves them, too!